Yeah I'm realizing that the tank is bad. Currently my arena team is in constant flux as I try to adjust and I'm still gearing and leveling skills. I'm working on a core roster of about 10 now because I needed to shift away from my all Jedi team. I've been using chewie, barriss, and JC most often and was rounding it out with mace and anakin. Ahsoka is actually working well for me now and I'm raising dooku up for anti Jedi uses.
I'm currently about done with summoning Sid and Lumi and then I'll probably swap in Lumi for Barriss or JC. I have a Adam but I'm not sure he is worth it without tank protection as he gets focused easily. If he gets a chance to let loose on Jedi he is great though. Once I get Sid unlocked and geared I'll have the core of Lumi, Sid, and Dooku and putting in whichever dps sync well after some testing. I like Anakins toolkit but hard to farm and I don't see him keeping up as I never fight against him in top 100 anymore. I'll keep trying new things until I reach the crossroads of focusing my team.