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SilverbackMM's avatar
6 years ago

Modding Rebels to Beat Revan

Looking for the definitive guide or explanation as to how to best mod CLS, Chewie, Han, R2 and 3P0 to best take out Revan teams and climb the ladder in arena. Too many varying opinions online. If there’s a Discord channel that best explains it, let me know.

Some say all potency/don’t worry about speed with 3P0 to make sure he goes after all allies do a special so they all get Translation. Others say focus on his survivability with a health set thrown in.

Some say go full offense with Chewie and Han to make them hit hard and worry less about speed. Meanwhile you really need Crit% up if you focus too much on offense like double offense secondary mods with no crit.

Luke they say pretty much all out speed but I tend to use R2s stealth/foresight move on him and survivability might be key.

R2 they say focus offense to boost party offense via his Zeta but you also need speed to try and get his stealth move going before Revan does his thing.

Also, if you have good strats for beating Jedi Revan and Darth Revan teams let me know. I’m on a mission to get #1 one time and I’m beating Jedi Revan teams at least, but it’s hit or miss.

This is my profile if it helps you give me specific advice with the modding. Thanks for any help in advance!
  • "Snowlock2017;c-1890664" wrote:
    "Dryff;c-1890371" wrote:

    Your CLS is painfully slow (for Arena). That might have something to do with it. If you aren't 300+, you'll probably struggle against top 50 Revan teams. Probably 310+ for top 20.

    Looking at your mods, you need to revamp your best mods to your arena team and you'll see better luck!

    Give up offense on CLS to increase speed?

    What good is offense if you dont take a turn?
  • The first one is right. C3po full potency, speed the slowest in the team. The fastest must be R2 to immediately use smokescreen to hide everyone from mark/fear. The second fastest is CLS. My han and chewie around 260speed focus on damage. Bingo! My squad consistently wins against standard DR/JKR (no Malak too OP). You can check my account. Average rank 30-ish
  • Check out how i moded my cls team. I currently run them in arena and make top 20 at times. For me to take the top spot it all comes down to speed for cls and r2d2.

    DR strategy is pretty simple. Hk47 first as not to give bastilla fallen too much speed off hans shoot first. After opening attack on hk. Kill bastilla fallen before she goes. Finish of hk and the battle is over in 40 seconds.

    Jkr you always start on jolee to gain TM. Then attack GK and have cls land buff immunity. After that hit yoda to get savior off. Then have r2 stealth all but himself (sometimes i do use burn to gain additional tm back up for cls. It all depends on the speed of the other revan team.) R2 is the most expendable unit. After savior is activated buff immunity should still be on GK so go all out on jolee. Once jolee is dead i tend to kill GK off since buff immunity is gone. Then i focus on revan or yoda depending on who is the easiest to kill at the time. So many other variables that could happen that are hard to discuss. I win against revan teams that are at my cls speed or slightly above very consistently. Hope this helps.
  • "Snowlock2017;c-1889745" wrote:
    I don't have any luck going after Jolee first. I fully admit I could be doing it wrong because I have zero luck at all against the traditional JRK/Jolee/GK/GMY/Bast team. I hit Yoda first to get savior off. Then usually Luke is hidden by R2 and marked. Bast or Jolee usually goes next, sending in GMY increasing his TM so he goes another two times and takes Luke's TM away so I never get buff immunity on GK. At this point either Yoda is sent in again or GK uses his mass attack and CLS is dead and it's over.

    Your CLS is painfully slow (for Arena). That might have something to do with it. If you aren't 300+, you'll probably struggle against top 50 Revan teams. Probably 310+ for top 20.

    Looking at your mods, you need to revamp your best mods to your arena team and you'll see better luck!
  • This was my team, since switched to Revan.
  • "Snowlock2017;c-1891140" wrote:
    So I increased my speed on CLS to 283. HIghest I could really go and I started beating the JKR/J/B/GK/GMY teams around rank 100. So thanks!! Once I get toward the upper end of the JKR rush on my shard (Nov 2017) before the DR's start taking over, I can't beat them.

    What's happening is, the JKR teams are so slow and I'm so fast, Han is going twice before JKR goes once. It goes: Han opens, then R2 stealths, then CLS, then Chewie then 3PO. Then GMY usually, or he's sent in by Bast. Then R2 goes again, then CLS then HAN, which unstealth's him. At this point JKR goes and marks Han, and it's goodnight sweet rebels.

    Any tips? Slow down Han?

    Have you tried killing JKR first to trigger savior? That’ll give him his bonus turn, to waste mark. Alternatively, if their entire team is slow enough, swap in Thrawn for R2, use he force on GK and then fracture JKR with Thrawn before he uses mark (or remove TM with CLS then fracture GK with Thrawn, but that’s a race against the clock to see if you can kill another toon to burn Savior and then kill JKR before he takes a turn).