Forum Discussion

doxige8's avatar
7 years ago

Mods for Talia on NS arena??

That, I'm going for Asajj lead, and saw I need Talia... Which mods she needs? Thanks!

7 Replies

  • Run an offense set.

    She may be support but can hit like an attacker
  • Never seen a top arena squad with Talia. Where did you see that you need her?
  • For STR p4, don't focus on speed. Offence, CC and CD is more important, since there's so much bonus TM gains in that phase.

    Oh! Arena? Focus on speed as well. Talia's strength is, that she can remove debuffs.
  • I use her under a ZTalzin lead as a paper sister. I purposely didn’t gear or mod her too high. She dies easily, boosting Asajj. But when she does hit, she heals. I almost never use her healing second ability. Her mods have health, offense and crit avoidance. I’m At 468 in arena.