"Kai_Mulai;c-1457336" wrote:
2.) Five 7* Empire characters (both Thrawn and the Emperor are Empire characters, so ideally you’d only need 3 more) can get R2D2
What are the other 3 Empire characters I should get? I assume one of them would be Boba Fett. I have Darth Vader already so it would be great if he's viable. I've seen various video guides recommend Kylo Ren, Royal Guard, Old Daka, Tie Fighter Pilot, Geonosian Soldier, IG-88, IG86, and Poggle the Lesser. Some of those recommendations are probably bad/out of date. So, which do I choose? Catharsis recommends Vader, Kylo Ren, Tarkin, and/or TFP. Would that comp (with Emperor Palpatine and Grand Admiral Thrawn) be viable endgame? What should my eventual Empire team comp be besides the 2 givens (Emperor Palpatine, Grand Admiral Thrawn)?
And thanks for all your other advice, it helps a lot.
"Kai_Mulai;c-1457336" wrote:
I would advise you to start starring up every ship you have that you might even consider using and farm the rest you want. This will help advance you in fleet arena and get you toward your goals. ....
I also would specifically encourage you to farm Biggs after Zeb in galactic wars, since his ship is used everywhere. And in answer to your question about Sabine, I would farm her as much as her hard node allows. Pilots have a big impact on their ships, and Sabine is no exception.
From the feedback I received in this thread, specifically Liath's post, I started leveling up the Jedi Consular ship and the Imperial Tie Fighter. Out of the 5 free ships, those are the 2 that I might consider using, let me know if I should consider using the other 3 (Resistance X-Wing, Geonosian Soldier's starfighter, and Clone Sergeant's ARC-170). I also leveled up Executrix slightly because my Tarkin is slightly leveled up.
Also, does this mean I should start leveling up the Jedi Consular and Tie Fighter Pilot again? I was specifically advised NOT to do so in my old thread. I doubt I have the spare resources to do so atm.
Thanks for answering my question about Sabine! I've been wondering about that for a while. And only you and Waqui answered that. And I will start farming Biggs now (I just 7 starred Zeb), though it may be a while before I can get his fighter.
"Liath;c-1457253" wrote:
The META changes regularly, and nobody knows what it's going to look like in a few months. It often includes new characters that you couldn't have worked on previously because they didn't yet exist. There's never going to be any guarantee that any character or ship you work on is going to be viable a year from now.
I realize that just like in an MMORPG, the relative power of every class/ship is always subject to nerfs/change. And there will always be a chance of new overpowered characters being introduced, or an old character becoming the new FOTM. But I still need good information on the current situation so I can make the best, most informed decision I can make. For example, without the advice in the previous thread, I probably would have continued to invest some resources into Clone Wars Chewbacca, Kylo Ren, and Jedi Consular, which I realize now would have been a waste. And the advice you've given here helps a lot too, thanks!
"Liath;c-1457253" wrote:
The current ships META largely consists of Thrawn's capital ship with Biggs, Imperial TIE, TIE Reaper, FO TIE, TIE Advanced, and Scimitar (as reinforcement). But you need more ships than that. In order to get Chimaera you need the Phoenix ships and 3 of the other 4 rebel ships. You also need strong enough light side ships to complete the Ackbar challenge.
Thanks, that helps a lot. Because of your advice and the advice of others, I've started leveling up some of my ships, specifically, the Imperial Tie and Jedi Consular as I said above.
"ManuG;c-1457302" wrote:
- When you have all of them 5* you can try Tier III health mods challenge, spend as I said before 1-2 week getting health mods as they are mandatory to climb in arena (I say health mods because you don't need any specific squad to unlock tier III). Square will give you always as primary stat Offense, diamond defense, circle health or protection (protection is better), arrow try to get speed, triangle try to get critical chance or critical damage and for cross try to get potency or tenacity. You should focus on looking for speed in your secondary stats, speed is all in arena. Then return and push Hera/Ezra to 7*.
- For ships, keep in mind what Liath told above. Moreover, you can work on Ghost and Phantom at the same time, people in rank 501+ receives 800 fleet tokens I don't understand why you have said you can't..
Thanks, this mod advice is exactly what I wanted to know. The reason I can't work on Ghost and Phantom at the same time is because the shops reset 3x a day, so I can potentially spend 1200 tokens on Ghost in a single day if it happens to show up 3x.
"Waqui;c-1457394" wrote:
The problem with farming Phoenix only is, that you won't have enough scoundrels to do the highest tier of credit heist available to you. You should as a minimum have farmed all of Boba Fett's hard nodes every day until now. He and Lando are MVPs there.
Which hard nodes did you farm while farming Phoenix in various shops and cantina? It seems like you didn't really farm much hard nodes....
Yeah, you're right I don't do much hard mode. WIth my normal energy, I've been farming mostly normal battles to gear up my Phoenix toons with equipment faster. I've been pretty much only been doing 5x Hard Mode battles a day for the daily task. Those 5 used to be Sabine, and after I unlocked Sabine I've been doing 5x Boba Fett. Now I might have to do Sabine again.
So yeah, I was aware of the importance of Boba Fett, but wasn't focusing on him very hard, due to advice from the previous thread. Also, on days where my guild activity is Hard Mode battles, I would do more Hard Mode battles. As per your advice, I will start doing more hard mode battles so I can get Boba Fett faster, and then Lando who was also on my to-do list after Boba.
"Waqui;c-1457394" wrote:
Regarding Dark Side nodes you should have had at least Boba Fett, FOTP and Vader unlocked by now. You will unlock EP soon (or maybe not until next time his event comes around. Don't worry. Be patient and farm DS toons and you will master the DS nodes eventually. Having a few level 85 allies helps immensly. Invite some high level players from your guild..
I've already been doing the dark side battles by being carried by my high level allies. The problem is, I can't 3 star the battles to sim them because my own characters get killed, even if I only bring 1 or 2 of them. I do have Darth Vader and First Order Tie Pilot. I leveled up Darth Vader a bit, but haven't touched the FOTP yet.
Since you will probably use Sabine's ship in fleet arena (and later for unlocking Chimaera) you might as well level her a bit on the side.
"catharsis478;c-1457374" wrote:
I think your problem here is tunnel vision, OP.
I scrolled through the thread you linked, and it seems as though everyone who responded to you wrote out long, in-depth, and thoughtful responses (and/or linked multiple videos along those lines) to try to help you out. If all you got from all of that is "focus on Phoenix squad to exclusion of all else" then the problem here lies not necessarily with the advice given to you, but your attempt at following it. Now, I am not going to waste my time actually reading that thread--and will immediately stop attempting to help you should you ask me to--because I don't really believe you're actually interested in being helped, but I'm going to try anyway.
I'm not asking you to read the old thread. I only posted it for reference for those who wanted to look at it. But I have to push back on some of the things you said because they are clearly misconceptions. First, all the videos posted in that thread were posted BY ME. Second, I was the one in my old thread who was asking questions about all these other characters, but was repeatedly directed to focus on Phoenix. Here are a couple of the most egregious examples.
"Dooku_for_days;c-1423888" wrote:
Before you know it you'll be working on 50 characters. Just purely focus Phoenix.
"Naraic;c-1424254" wrote:
You focus on a single team you max it 22-30 days. You split your focus going all over the world you spend months.
And I actually have deviated from a pure Phoenix focus a bit - I haven't been dogmatic - I have been working on Boba Fett, just very slowly (he takes 80 shards to unlock which takes forever), because I've been prioritizing gear for Phoenix more. I've also leveled up several Empire toons in a mostly failed attempt to 3 star the dark side battles that my borrowed ally characters have been carrying me through.
I'm not sure why you believe I'm not actually interested in being helped. But I can tell you that the advice I've already gotten in this thread has been invaluable and I can tell you specifically things that I learned and what I'll be doing differently because of that:
1. I'll be working on Sabine again because of the advice here; I had stopped after unlocking her.
2. I started leveling up some of my ships now that I know which ships are most likely to be useful in the long run. (Imperial Tie Fighter, Jedi Consular)
3. I have a revised long term plan for Phoenix progression - get all toons to 5 stars first, then spend a week or two focusing on mods for them. Then go back to focusing on stars.
4. I now know what mods to get for Phoenix (the highest level health mods I can get) - I had no clue before. Also, I know what secondaries to shoot for due to the information provided here.
5. I learned that mod challenges exist and how to unlock them.
6. I have a plan for ship progression - unlock both Phoenix ships, level up Imperial Tie Fighter, try to get Biggs' fighter and the FO Tie ASAP, get TIE Reaper and Tie Advanced when I can, get several other rebel fighters (though not sure which ones yet).
7. I'm going to try to do more Hard Mode battles to unlock Boba Fett sooner.
8. I should be spending my crystals on cantina refreshes more than normal energy refreshes. I had previously spent them mostly on normal energy refreshes.
"catharsis478;c-1457374" wrote:
Before I go on, let's talk about your BIGGEST PROBLEM which is a complete lack of Scoundrels. A lack of scoundrels explains quite a bit why you're in such a bad position, and having such problems advancing in the game. You're probably constantly out of resources and credits, and the reason why? No scoundrels! I'm going to say you immediately stop (do not make me capitalize and bold that; I will if I have to) farming Phoenix and work on unlocking (don't go further than that for now, you won't need a higher star level until much later) some Scoundrels.
I actually have no problem with credits at all right now. I believe you and others when you say that credits will eventually be a problem. But at the moment, I have 6.4 million credits, all of my Phoenix toons except Sabine are at max level (61 atm), several other characters are at pretty high level, and I have nothing else I need to spend credits on atm. The mods that I have are all at max level (15). I buy the cheap equipment with gear in shipments every refresh. Is there something else I can buy with credits that I'm missing here?
As I've said, I've decided to spend more resources on unlocking Boba Fett, but unless I'm actually in a credit crunch, I'm not sure why I need to drop everything and go all out on unlocking scoundrels. Consider this counter argument from someone on this very thread:
"LaksonVell;c-1457320" wrote:
I got scoundrels for cred heist (ST Han and Boba) And I have to admit that was the WORST decision I made on this account. Yeah, they are good, the creds are good, but those are 80 arena shards off my Kan and I bought 20-30 boba shards instead of chopper. I would have a signifcantly better arena standing if I did not do that (leveling a char from 6 to 7 stars gives you 3000-3500 GP so consider the jump). I made maybe a million credits off 2 heists.
I do plan on getting Scoundrels eventually, I'm just not sure I want to drop everything and go all out on them right now.
"catharsis478;c-1457374" wrote:
Now, if you decide to go Empire then your Phoenix team will give you two of the five--Emperor Palpatine and Grand Admiral Thrawn--achievements will give you another--Vader--and Fleet mastery events will give you another--Grand Moff Tarkin--so it'll be up to you to take a look at your farms and one that will not interfere with what you're already working on. In the mean time you'll just have to make due with a haphazard mixture of your existing roster. Looking at what you have, I suggest: Vader, Tarkin, Kylo, and two others. If I remember correctly Royal Guard is quite squishy and Talia's healing starts to feel ineffective about your level, so you may consider dropping them entirely. You may also consider using your Tie Fighter Pilot--you'll need him for his ship, and for ships you have to invest in your pilots--and your First Order Executioner. This team is going to die quickly, will probably handle like wet tissue, so you either have to go all-in on the glass canon model, or pause your cantina farm long enough to unlock Kylo Ren (Unmasked). KRU is a very solid tank at lower levels--he's only just now starting to feel squishy to me--and you'll want to drop Tarkin if you're going to use him.
This is great info, thanks. I've been wondering which of my dark side characters were viable, and now thanks to you I can put together a team if I badly need to 3 star a dark side battle with what I have.
"catharsis478;c-1457374" wrote:
Let's talk about mods next; whichever problems you're having in the arena are probably down to mods (if it isn't the team make up, gear, or ability levels it's mods). You're going to want to unlock Mod Challenges, which means you have to complete the first three maps of the Mod Battle table. Next, you're going to want to take your Nix team and go into Mod Challenges, select the Health Mod Challenge, and get as close to three-starring tier III as you can (if you can't yet, it's no sweat). You'll be farming all your mods from this location until much later game; prioritize leveling and using any mods with speed on them (speed mods go on your arena team; for Phoenix prioritize slapping that speed on Ezra, Hera, Chopper/Zeb, and Kanan, in that order). At your current level I wouldn't suggest spending more than a weekend's worth of Cantina energy on Mods; your other farms take priority.
Now for ships: you will eventually need (by level 80) five (8 might be better) dark side ships at five or more stars; you'll need these for upgrading Tarkin's ship past four stars, and for the zeta ability material challenge. Next you're going to want five rebel ships at at least five stars (seven is better); you'll need them for unlocking Chimaera and upgrading Home One and Endurance. For Chimaera your Home One will have to be at least 5 stars to unlock, and you'll need it at 7 stars to 7 star Chimaera (five rebel ships at the same level). Prioritize dark side ships, then work on your rebels. From these two sets of ships you should be able to build a decent fleet arena team (other people will have more advice on getting a meta fleet team; I honestly don't care that much about ships). It is worth noting you will have to level, gear, and eventually star up your pilots to have the most effective use of your ships.
I was trying to figure out what you were talking about, then I realized that mod challenges are something I haven't unlocked yet lol. I've been spending 90% of my cantina energy on stars for Hera and Ezra and only did the first 2 tiers of mod battles. Thanks for making me aware of this!
The rest of this is all extremely useful info. I would need more convincing on Scoundrels, though, since I don't yet have a problem with credits.