Forum Discussion

DarthKreia's avatar
8 years ago

Need some tips. I'm stuck

I'm stuck in the arena and everywhere else. I have no idea what to improve next and how to raise my arena rank. Any good tips?
My guild does T6 rancor but my scores are horribly poor.
I feel like totally lost and noob :s
And its eating my joy of playing :#

Here's my toons
  • For Rancor raids, you need some good Turn Meter Reduction (TMR) characters. The best ones you should shoot for are Teebo, QGJ, and Rex. It's also good to have either Tie Fighter Pilot or Dengar to put a Tenacity Down debuff on the rancor.

    For the arena problem, perhaps try an Emperor-lead team.
    EP / Vader / Biggs/ Wedge / then for the final person switch it as needed. Royal guard if you are dying too quickly. Nihilus if you need a dispeller. Maul if you're fighting a jedi team.

    Also, you should level up your arena team, all 5 of them, to your maximum level possible at all times. If someone sees your arena team with level 70 characters, it's a sign that your team is vulnerable, or your roster is too spread out. Focus leveling your chosen 5 to max level at all times and you will find it's much easier to hold your arena rank.

    And if you need help getting credits for leveling characters, I cannot stress enough how helpful Lando is in the credit heist.

    Good luck!
  • Take your top 5 and start focusing on gear and mods with speed secondary. Stars are great but without gear and good mods you'll be stuck.
  • I agree with all said below.
    The problem is that your arena team has 0 syneegie and its not full geared. You have to clear your mind and say... ok, Im going to buils a (Rebel,Empire,Sith,droid..whatever) arena squad. The put all your resources on gearing ans modding them. As you have a complete roster, focus on mods. They are very important for arena.

    On Rancor, it's all about turn meter reduction. I use teebo (L), rex,qgj,tfp and phasma and it is nice.
  • Hey, nice job on the 7* Vader.

    Really, your mods are holding you back. You need to do some extended mod farming. You need some 5* speed arrows, potency crosses, and protection circles. Set types are not critical, so until you have the necessary squads, just get health mods.

    If you don't have the stomach for mod farming, here are some nutshell recommendations without knowing what kind of competition you are up against in Arena:

    • Pit: Teebo (L), Phasma, Qui-Gon, Wedge, Biggs
    • Arena 1: Palpatine, Royal Guard, Wedge, Biggs, Qui-Gon
    • Arena 2: Palpatine, Royal Guard, TIE Fighter Pilot, Dooku, Vader

    Major farming areas are Arena shipments, Cantina shipments, Cantina battles, GW shipments. From these, recommend building:

    • IG-88. You need this scoundrel for heists, and you need this droid for droiding on droid squad in AAT.
    • Qui-Gon: Need him for P1 Pit
    • TFP: he's a beast and will help your Empire arena team.
    • Teebo: Need him for P1 Pit

    Also recommend farming the FOTP and FOST hard nodes. FO is very good right now and looks well positioned for the future when Maul falls. You will need Kylo for the FO team eventually.

    Again, your biggest problem is with mods. Put a full set of (4) Crit Damage mods on Biggs and Wedge. You need the full set for the +30% damage bonus; 1-2* mods will work for the bonus. Crit Damage triangle for the Wiggs duo where you can find them.

    For the Pit raid, Teebo needs all the potency you can lay on him. For now, take the cross off of Poggle and give it to Teebo. He also needs to be as fast as you can get him. That is going to be tougher since you don't have much speed. So for now, borrow the speed arrow from Tarkin when you need it.

    Speaking of which, why aren't you using that speed arrow in your arena team? This is a definite problem. All of your speed arrows need to be on your arena team. This is of the utmost importance. Tarkin, Lumi, JC, Poggle ... none of these guys are on your arena squad and they are hogging all the speed. Fix this immediately.

    Other than that, you need gear. Some people save up 1500 crystals in the bank to buy those raid or other troublesome pieces when they appear in shipments. If saving crystals is not going to work, well there is currently a sale on crystals for May 4th celebrations ...

  • Judging by your characters levels, a lack of credits is evident. 5 scoundrels for credit heist/training droids would b my 1st priority.

    Just lvl them/gear them enuf to complete it. Afterwards, the 2nd hump is crystals which u get the bulk of in arena. Rebels r very diverse, lot of options and allow u to access Emperor Palpatine. Rebels would b my go-to team.
  • Why the f are they all gear VIII? You need to focus on something and not just do whatever comes your way. You'll want to get zeta mats on Vader and make an empire team with what you have; holds your arena spot and will grant you raid gear. Gear them up to IX - X and start slashing your way through arena.
    After you gain a bunch of credits in arena get scoundrels for credits and start working on your ships so you can get your next Zeta.