Forum Discussion

LetoAtreidesII's avatar
7 years ago

New Player, Have Some Questions About Best F2P Characters and Need Allies

Howdy all,

I just started playing this game about a week ago. I didn't take it very seriously at first and was just messing around, so I wasted a lot of time and resources on useless characters. So yesterday I finally started looking at some guides and videos for tips on the best characters to level.

Some of those recommendations may be out of date though, so I could use your advice on whether to follow those guides or not (as well as get a second opinion). Note that I'm completely F2P. I'm looking for characters that will never become useless and are not a waste of resource/time investment, as some guide lists have proclaimed their recommendations to be. Also, while I've already went around to every thread I could find looking for ally codes, I could still use some more, partly to get the 25 allies achievement, and partly because I could use more quality heroes to borrow. If you have strong characters I can borrow (and are not already on my allies list) please post your code here or just add me in game, my code is: 342-639-299. Note that every 5 weeks or so, I go inactive for 5-10 days. Next trip is next Thursday and leaving my phone behind.

Currently I'm Level 41 and have mostly my F2P characters. So first, after reviewing the video guides, the characters I currently have that I've tentatively decided are worth leveling up are:
Kylo Ren
Ahsoka Tano
Royal Guard

Kylo seems like a very solid character and I'm investing heavily in him.

Ahsoka was recommended by some but not others but she's IMO the best character I have that I actually farmed for so far so I will invest some in her unless someone tells me otherwise.

Royal Guard was recommended and I like him but unless I hear confirmation I'm not sure on investing in him, at least as a priority.

Tie Fighter pilot was recommended by one guide but he seems weak to me at 2 stars and max level with a few gear upgrades, so I'm halting progression on him until I hear otherwise.

Jedi Consular was also recommended by one guide only on the caveat that his starfighter is good and he's easy to farm - but some people say he sucks. I've halted progression on him but he's going to be my best/only healer for a while - should I continue to invest in him or no?

Clone Wars Chewbacca was widely criticized so I've halted all investment in him (except training levels). He seems like a good character (one of my strongest atm) and his leader ability seems great (my best ATM) so what's wrong with him (as an endgame character, presumably)?

Farm boy Luke seems OK, but he wasn't recommended by anybody so I stopped investing in him.

First Order Executioner seems good but he might be stuck at 2 stars for me, being a F2P player. Is he good enough at 2 stars for a F2P player to invest training levels and gear on him?

Talia is my only Dark Side healer and will be a for a long time. She seems OK, but wasn't recommended by anyone so I stopped investment. Should I continue to invest in her or not?

My first priority in farming right now is Phoenix squad. But it'll be several days to a week (I think) before I get any of them, and weeks before they can get 2-3 stars.

Other priority characters I'm working on are Biggs Darklighter (maybe a day or two from getting him at 1 star), IG-86, and Luminara Unduli.

Biggs I'm confident is awesome and I'll be investing heavily in him when I get him. IG-86 I'm not so sure about, should I still get and invest in him. Luminara was only recommended in 2017, but she's within reach, unlike Barriss who I won't get for a very long time.

I can also get Ewok Elder and Fives pretty easily, but am not farming them atm. Fives was recommended by one guide but not by many others. Ewok Elder wasn't recommended by anyone. But it's Jedi Consular for me until I get Luminara who isn't a real healer and Barriss who I won't get for probably a month or more - unless I get Ewok Elder. Should I get Ewok Elder, or stick with Consular who will not be getting anymore upgrades (unless you advise I upgrade him), or replace him with Luminara (who is an attacker)?

I'm also going to work on Capatain Phasma, Old Daka, Barriss, Lando, and Boba Fett. But they are all 80 shard characters (except for Phasma) who will take a very long time for me to get, probably months.