Forum Discussion

The_Tomski's avatar
5 years ago

New Player looking for advice on store packs

Hello I'm quite new to the game and would like to buy the odd pack to help me along on my progression journey.

Do you have any advice on what packs to go for and what are the best value? I see there is a 'Refined Crystal Cache' pack new to the store but wary of going for it and wasting my money. I spent £10gbp on a pack and ended up with 5 shards for a toon. It didn't seem worth it.

Thanks in advance.
  • "MasterTomski;c-2074050" wrote:
    "Hortus;c-2074046" wrote:
    Hyperdrive bundle is by far THE best price/benefit pack for virtually any account except very high end ones (even when you don't need to level any of those characters anymore and only need gear and other resources included). For new player spending on other packs without buying Hyperdrive would be a waste imho.

    Spending crystals directly for buying character shards or packs is generally bad investment unless you are exactly know what are you doing. Spending on gear pieces is better but spending on energy and farming node refreshes is more profitable in long run up to at least 3 refreshes per day.

    Also one-time gear/resources packs generally has better price/benefit rate.

    Thanks for the advice. I think I may go for the smaller pack and continue the grind. I will bear in mind your comments about spending on gear and refreshes. I think this will be the best way to assemble a team.

    Would you say, then, to avoid the 'Chromium' and 'Faction' packs?

    Yes, imo avoid all of the shard packs for crystals (that award a random number of shards). They are generally a terrible value. An exception to this early on are the Journey guide faction mega packs that guarantee a full character with each purchase.

    Other than that, most $ packs are a good relative value (compared to what the contents would cost in crystals), however some are better than others. Pretty much anything short of zetas can be converted into a crystal value, so that is helpful when determining how valuable a pack is to you.
  • Vaderizer's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    In general, don't buy packs where you don't know exactly what you'll be getting, because you'll probably get crap. And buying crystals is a worse value than the "bundles," assuming that you need all or most of the stuff in the bundle.

    The Hyperdrive bundle is the best value you can get by several orders of magnitude. I wouldn't worry about "missing out on the grind." You'll quickly see that the grind never really ends.
  • MasterSeedy's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    If you do start over, focus hard on gaining Geonosian shards in the Cantina Battles b/c Geonosians are not part of the Hyperdrive bundle. Likewise, pick things to farm in regular battles that are not included in Hyperdrive.

    Then when you unlock Squad Arena through normal progress, on that same day, buy the Hyperdrive Bundle. Since you don't get matched with an Arena shard until you actually unlock arena, you can get some additional resources compared to people who buy the HB on day 1.

    If you do NOT start over, wait until the day you hit level 60 to buy the hyperdrive bundle & focus between now & then on ships that are not in the HB. When you hit level 60 you'll be assigned a Fleet Arena shard. Then that same day, purchase the HB and go for broke in Fleet Arena. FA is much easier to max out rewards. If I were starting over & purchasing HB, I would certainly play to level 60 focussing as much as possible on pilots & ships not included in HB, then purchase HB the moment I turned 60 and begin taking 1st place right away. You can use those crystals to invest in toons that are both good pilots and good Squad Arena toons (like JKA, Fives & Ahsoka who can be used right away in a Padmé squad as soon as you unlock her).

    In any case, if you're serious about boosting the power of your roster, make sure that you're in a guild that sims Rancor & HAAT, and that beats Heroic Sith every time. There are many good guilds that do this that would be happy to take on an early-game player who purchases the HB.
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