Forum Discussion

DominosX13's avatar
7 years ago

Newbie not newbie questions - ships...

First of all, Hi!

So, I started playing this game like 2 weeks ago, but only few days ago I checked some guides. I know I made a lot of mistakes, but I have few questions about my position and what should I do.

First of all, some photos to describe my situation. Those will do better than my words:

1. So... What should I farm now? I still want to do Luke and Talia on 4*, but what's next? Going for 5* or trying to farm others I don't have?
2. My current characters: Which to upgrade further, which to leave?
3. What about ships?
4. Collecting gears: Should I do it on hard or normal? I know that on hard I can collect shards but it takes twice more energy.
5. Is there a way to maximize the Galactic War? I can do it until 3rd purple battle which usually means going against +5lvl characters outta nowhere.
6. Crystals: If I don't want to spend those on packs, should I spend them all on energy (50 crystals) / cantina energy (100 crystals)?
7. And PvP. Which team to use?
8. Hero borrowing - worth a try? :P

  • Shadowsloth, my guild has recently signed up about 5 players at a similar level to yours and almost identical questions. We were able to answer those questions and guide them through the difficult grind in the early game and also help them with raids, TW, TB's etc. IF you'd like to join a guild, send me a PM ;)

    Edit: Several of my guildmates unlocked ships in the last 2 weeks, with the guild advice and follow up conversations, they have managed to rank top 5 with little effort and wise investment on the ships and pilots that are really worth it. We are talking about 300+ crystals per day thanks to ships at a time where squad arena was becoming harder and harder for these free players or low spenders.

    Based on your roster, the picture you posted, Tarkin Jedi Consular and Tie Fighter pilot are your best ships, among those given to you for free and unlocked during the tutorial.

    In Phase 1 of your ship roster expansion, I'd suggest to purchase and unlock the First Order Tie and Biggs Darklighter Xwing ASAP if you have their pilots. That gives you four ot of your 5 starting starfighters, plus Tarkin and the Executrix as the capital ship. (I will re-edit this post in a few minutes).

    After checking your roster again, you have the clone sergeant, geonosian soldier and resistance xwing piilot. All their starfighters are unlocked for you during the tutorial, but they aren't top class. I'd say the abilities for the clone sergeant arc-170 make it an interesting reinforcement because of its tankiness. in certain circumstances, it can prolong the battle long enough or Tarkin to use his ultimate. It's a ship that will probably get replaced after a few weeks of ships, but it's quite usable int he beginning.

    You said you were going to farm different toons in Galactic War. Well, if you are level 60 and farming Phoenix is something you haven't done yet (same here, but because Phoenix didn't exist when I started playing originally), there is going to be a conflict of interests here. If you want to treat Fleets as a side thing and lose on 300+ daily crystals for free, go right ahead and farm Zeb, Cad Bane etc. In my opinion, based on your roster, it's a bad idea.

    You have probably read that you need 5 super duper scoundrels for credit heists. Not this early in the game. 4 Scoundrels, and later on 5 that don't all need to be super strong, will get you the crdit heists. It's false that you need 5 super scoundrels before level 82... I posted a low budget, cheapo scoundrel team that gets the job done in the tiers you have access to before level 82. StHan at 5 stars and super powerful Boba Fett can get the job done. Lando would be great if you already have him, but you don't need him per se just for the credit heists if you are already farming something else in cantina.

    In galactic war, if you want to get those daily crystals and rock in fleets, I'd unlock First Order Tie and Biggs Darklighter Xwing, and also farm Biggs darklighter. Ship shards will be offered in GW shop after your first reset. I did this first, and later on started farming Zeb there, but slowly because Phoenix doesn't help me as much right now (level 80) as all the resources I have access to thanks to fleets.

    Another way to make your fleet powerful very quickly upon unlock is to farm Kylo Ren unmasked and his ship in cantina. It depends on your priorities and it depends on what you're already farming in cantina. I was farming a character, then I unlocked fleets, so those 375 crystals I could make daily and stopped everything to selectively farm pilots and ships across the board. Which pilots, you may wonder? This is my pilot farming plan in the weeks and months that followed the unlock (using refills, of course):

    - First Order Tie Pilot (2 hard nodes, and also from 2 stores)
    - Imperial Tie Fighter Pilot (Got shards from three different places, but mostly cantina)
    - Biggs Darklighter (Mostly from GW store and his hard node. He has a cantina node too.)
    - Grand Moff Tarkin (I bought his shards from 3 different locations to make my Executrix better than anyone else's)
    - Jedi Consular (he has 3 hard nodes, slow farm and it sounds like you still use him for GW, me too)
    - Ahsoka Tano (I needed her ship abilities, but many people are ok not having her)

    *Slow ship farms with excellent pilots:
    - Darth Vader and his Tie Advancedx1
    - Boba Fett and his Slave 1. Boba Fett will also carry the team in credit heists.

    *After being introduced in cantina: KRU and his Tie Silencer..
    * Phoenix ships are quite good together, but if you dont have their pilots very developed or unlocked, farming can detract from space combat readiness

    I rank 2nd in fleets easily. After my initial investment on ships and pilots, I have recently come back to farm Phoenix and other important toons. I didn't forget about the rest of the game modes, I just saw a window of opportunity to improve as a player and my access to essential resources like crystals. I took the chance and I dont regret it. My pilots also get the job done in galactic war, so you will stronger in that facet of the game while developing the pilots that I recommended. I have strong rebels that unlocked Palpatine and enough strong Imperials to get R2D2 the next time he comes out.

    I don't have much time now, but consider my offer to join our guild. People in these forums are extremely kind and supportive, but you should also be in a guild where they guide you through these stages in the game. We communicate on Line, Discord and it's a daily thing. We actually care of all our players.

  • First of all, yes the community is really helpful and it's something that keeps me asking those questions here, as I don't want to repeat my mistakes as I made them at the beginning.
    Second of all, thanks for Your invititation to your guild, but I recently changed my guild and I don't want to do it.

    Problem with phoenix is I need them for a Thrawn and Palpatine. Sure I don't need to go for a event toons, but then I'll have problems later in the game. Also I realized that I should have go for them at about lvl 45. So a bit late... Also, it won't be easy to do it (as you said) now. Also scoundrels. I don't have much money, and I read I need 5 5* scoundrels for tier III.

    From what you said I can farm: First Order TIE Pilot, Vader, Boba, Biggs, Consular ships without interfering in my current farming system from fleet shipments. Also, maybe I should start farming Wedge ship already? Even that I won't be getting Wedge himself for a long time because of lack of money to upgrade my current characters?

    Also I can add Biggs, Consular, First Order TIE Pilot ship shards from GW If I decide to fully focus now on ships to get more crystals. But then I'll not get scoundrels on 5* and phoenix for a long time.

    Also again, I can start farming Kylo Ren Unmasked with his ship from Cantina but again - I would need to stop doing Lando on 5* and then Phoenix.

    Is it all worth it?

    So I need to wait for other opinions :)
  • One quick comment. The Credit and Droid Heists don't need the characters to be at any star level. You could have a Boba Fett at 7 stars, and clone wars chewbacca at 3 stars, it doesn't matter. It only matters that you have a couple toons that can deal a lot of damage and also absorb a lot before possibly dying (Boba gets back to life with his special).

    This is the reason I said Lando is a very good toon, but not a must have for Credit Hesist. If you have Lando, Boba Fett and StHan unlocked and with good gear and high level (they don't all need to be 5, 6 or 7 stars), you can then use two additional cheap, low budget scoundrels. Simply having 5 available will open up the later tiers of the credit heist at specific levels. Personally, I use Boba Fett, StHan, Dengar, Clone Wars Chewbacca and Cad Bane. Cad Bane, chewbacca and Dengar have a very negligible investment in terms of stars, gear or mods. Boba Fett carries the team.

    Edit: The crystals I earn with fleets allow me do do three cantina energy reflls per day in order to farm Ezra or Hera, and it doesn't deplete my daily earnings. I just wanted to point out that going seriously with fleets doesn't mean you leave Phoenix on the sidelines. Fleet arena payouts are helping me to farm Phoenix faster.

    Regarding Wedge, if you don't have the pilot and you aren't going to get him for the time being, don't get his ship shards yet. Eventually you will, Wedge is a very important toon to have. KRU was just a suggestion for later on, Phoenix is what I farm in cantina (with refills thanks to fleet crystals).
  • Tbh, I wouldn't focus on ships right now. First get your characters to a more stable level, and then focus on ships. I m also saving Ship Arena Tokens to get Zetas (except for Boba or Vader Shards), as I'm not really focusing to get any ships
  • So I just have to have 5 scoundrels? If so is it worth to go for another 30 shards to do Lando on 5*? Cad Bane on 4* then will be enough, and STH on 3* can be postponed until I finish my Phoenix.
  • Get Phoenix 5*, get them to g8, get scoundrels get them to g8 and 5*. Then choose the faction you like most (Preferably, Empire , Rebels? , Nightsisters, Resistance.) Gear them up and get their ships (obviously can't happen with NS. If u work on rebel ships (Wiggs, Phoenix and Cassian/Bistan) you can get Chimera. But First Focus on characters. Ships come later. I'm 755 in ship arena and I honestly don't care if I go downwards or upwards