Forum Discussion

McFry55's avatar
Rising Newcomer
6 years ago

Next Cantina node farm

Finished up my last OR character on the Cantina, and just polished off Talia this morning who needed a handful of shards, so am torn between 2 possible next farms. Initially thinking of Anakin, but now maybe the Dooku route is best.

Anakin: Strong character that could be essential for upcoming Clone related events. Always handy to have an extra Jedi with some strong leaders in the game at the mo. Ship also handy to have in light of the new Capital ship for Kenobi coming.

Dooku: I don't have many Sith characters, so would be handy to build that team, plus could be good for Padme event itself.

What would you suggest people? Maybe there is a better option out there - FO Executioner, Qi'ra (for her leadership on the Smuggler team), Death Trooper, or maybe another. I have the Vet's so no worries there.

Thanks all!

8 Replies

  • Anakin. His damage is nothing to be scoffed at, and even if his bonus damage got nerfed, a bonus turn is still a bonus turn.
    I'd only recommend Dooku if you already have Separatists or Sith ready. There are many better Sith (most of whom have actual synergies with the faction) you could farm aside from Dooku
    Alternatively, I would also recommend to farm Tusken
  • McFry55's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    6 years ago
    Ha ha! I like those Tusken's! They will be the next big thing! :smile:

    Nice one - cheers for that, was keen to go for him to begin with but had got AV & Nute done and handful of shards off GG, with the Geo's are not far off either but lots of gear and ability upgrading needed for them, and not 100% sure on the ideal team for Padme unlike other recent events (Chewie & 3PO) where it became clearer. Will park that target for now.
  • Whatever u do don’t farm during double drops, I’ve heard they’re rigged and there’s patents to prove it!!!!

    But on a serious note go for Anakin
  • kiar1404's avatar
    New Spectator
    6 years ago
    Anakin ... synergy with Padme, Snips and other GA. He has a ship which might be good with the next capital ship
  • I'd recommend doing Dooku or Deathtrooper. You don't have Separatist ready yet (needed for Padme), so Anakin wouldn't be as useful unless you're running Bastila separate from JKR in GA. Deathtrooper is useful in all empire teams and is great for the raids, especially for Chex Mix P3 (Also the .000000001 percent chance of getting omegas on that node)
  • FO Executioner could be useful as well, but you'd need to get your FO team to G11 at least. He's critical for a viable FO team
  • In the long run you'll have them all so take your pick. I've had all toons for several stores for a while now. Eventually you buy toon you already have to exchange for shard store.
  • Agree. I don't see Dooku making a difference based on your Seps. Out of those two go Anakin for the ship/clone wars focus coming next few months. I do agree there are other strong farms in there like DT, Fox, etc.