Forum Discussion

uneducated_stud's avatar
9 years ago

Next cantina node farm

Just finished GS to 7, level 60 mo other nodes farmed, who should I go for next I'm leaning towards old Ben as 5,6, nor 7 are open to farm yet due to player level, open to all suggestions thanks

7 Replies

  • Currently run sthan (l), rg, GS, Rey, qgj farming dooku, phasma, sthan respectively, working qgj to 7, then will farm daka, Rey from guild shipments, everyone is at least 5 stars minus rg ( as it's the slowest far ever with hard nodes ) and yes strictly ftp, was thinking Ben for the yoda event, although other jedis are pretty tough farms minus jc, who imo blows
  • JC isn't so bad, can carry you through the middle game and since you can't use Lumi's heal against 7* Yoda, helpful, and easy 7*. Mace isn't so bad though not game breaking. RG will be available to you later in Catina nodes.
  • I'm only asking. I focus solely on Arena. Am ftp and finish top ten daily, for the bonus crystals, what's the best farm to benefit my arena team on offense or defense in the long run I guess is what I was meaning by asking about next farm...?