Forum Discussion

MountainRitos's avatar
8 years ago

Nihilus lead arena strategy

Lookin' for some feedback here if anyone has any.

Currently my squad is ranked #766, and it seems to be hard for people to beat.

Nihilus as lead obviously, Boba Fett, Fives, Dooku, and Vader.

Boba Fett is capable of dealing high damage, Fives calls in assists and applies speed down- he also seems to call Fett more than anyone else resulting in tons of damage. Dooku and Vader are doing their normal thing, but getting health in return, while Nihilus unleashes what seems to be tons of damage from his basic onto everything that moves.

Try it out, it might work for you. Any suggestions on someone to possibly replace Fives? I'm currently farming Darth Maul, Darth Sidious, and I'm leveling and gearing the Sith Trooper and Sith Assassin.
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