9 years ago
Palpatine "Heal" Ability - Collateral Effects
So it seems Palpatines "Let the Hate Flow" heal ability damages all units on the battlefield. This also triggers on-damage uniques on your own team. Some prominent examples are:
The caveat here is that the AI will treat this as a heal and only do so if Palpatine is lower than.
Unclear if WAI or if these are bugs at this point.
- St Han - TM Gain
- Savage Opress - TM gain and Offense Up + Defense Up
- Biggs Unique - 100% TM gain
- B2 - 100% TM gain (this one is unconfirmed)
The caveat here is that the AI will treat this as a heal and only do so if Palpatine is lower than
Unclear if WAI or if these are bugs at this point.