Forum Discussion

coolnessda's avatar
Rising Newcomer
8 years ago

Percentages versus whole numbers

I am in the process of replacing mods on all of my high level characters and have one question about them. I know that some mods only have percentages for stat upgrades whereas others have whole numbers for stat upgrades. Which of the two is better whole numbers or percentages?
  • I use these rules and always checking and comparing before commiting the change:
    * Speed always fixed numbers.
    * The other stats, if you want to compensate a weakness fixed numbers, if you want to improve something your character already does good percentage.
  • @Iceih_SWG That's a pretty good rule of thumb, I like it.
    @Coolnessda If you want to be sure that you're getting the best results, you should check the base value (before mods) of the stat that you're trying to improve relative to the percentage increase that your mod is offering. For example, if one of my characters has a pre-mod 'Physical Damage' value of 2500. Then generally I can expect a mod that provides a 1% increase in Offense to bring my power rating to around 2525 (*2500 + 25). Currently I have a mod that provides me with a flat 150 increase to offense. That would bring that characters power rating to 2650. To get comparable results on that character from a percentage value, it would have to be an increase of 6% or higher. Percentage values are calculated off of the base value of a stat (*the value before mods).
  • Well according to some stats on reddit , the highest % Offense value that you can get on a mod secondary is 2.44% which, on the strongest character in the game, would only yield a return of around 75 offense. That same source says that flat offense values on mod secondaries cap out around 201. So it seems like you'll generally always get a better return from flat values when it comes to offense.
  • Percentages for attackers typically. Straight #s for toons w/ a lower offense multiplier like tanks and healers.

    Most toons do physical damage...once u mod, look at the amount added under stats > physical damage. That will give u a definitive answer.
  • coolnessda's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    So if I understand this correctly if for example I want to take an attack class character and boost their attack I should aim for a percent upgrade if they already have a high attack stat before mods?