Remembering our priorities are
+ 4 individual priorities (Nute, Bastila, KRU, & Vader)
Plus Geo ships, Vulture, TIE Silencer, TAX-1 (Vader's ship) + at least 1 other dark side ship, but also ANY pilotless ship we can access. You'll notice we'll be working on more ships than we strictly need since we don't know which ones will come through for us. RNG and a few other things will play a role, so farming a couple extra ships to make sure we can keep up with event requirements is a good idea.
Alright then. Let's create a plan for the remaining stores.
Kanan is both Jedi & Phoenix & an obvious first choice, but Tarkin is a close 2nd. Also, Kanan is being farmed in large part for the Thrawn, GMY & Palpatine events. In those events to make progress to the next tier, ALL of your characters much be at the next star-level. So Kanan won't help you get to 7* by being 7* unless all the other members of the squad are also there already. So I'm going to have you get Kanan 5* ready first, to be able to unlock things, but then I'm going to have you take Tarkin all the way to 7* next, then finish Kanan. This is probably better because in Arena (squad or Fleet) every little bit of power helps, but the events are all-or-nothing. If you think that you have other Jedi (or rebels or Phoenix) going up so fast that they'll be ready before Kanan, then drop Tarkin for a few days to boost Kanan so he's not the last one of the team to get to that star-level. But I don't think that will happen.
Squad Arena Store: 1. Kanan => 5*
2. Tarkin => 7*
3. Kanan => 7*
4. Nute Gunray => 7*
5. Greedo => 5*
6. StormTrooper Han => 5*
7. Leia => 5*
8. Ackbar => 6*
9. STHan => 6*
10. Leia => 6*
11. Ackbar => 7*
12. Leia => 7*
13. STHan => 7*
17. Greedo => 7*
18. IG-88 => 7*
19. Cassian => 7*
20. Ventress => 5*
21. HK-47 => 5*
22. Sidius => 5*
If you get done with all that, we can talk about what comes next. Note that the last 3 toons are "Just in case" at this point. If your NightSisters need Ventress before that, though, that's fine. Because I used so many intermediate steps, this looks like a lot more work than it is. The first 13 steps are just 7 toons.
The struggle on this list is that we have an as-yet unstated lower priority or two than just those we originally listed. When we're not working on our original list of 17 characters, we fall back on other priorities, like improving performance in Territory Battles (which for you means rebels generally, but Rogue 1 & Phoenix especially) and bring up your Bounty Hunter squad for use in the Bounty Hunter events (there are a number of them) and the BH mission in dark side Hoth TB. If there were Imperial Troopers in the Squad Arena store I would have added them to this list before Ventress, since they, also, have special missions exclusive to them in dark side Hoth TB. In any case, I'm trying to balance those other priorities when we get past the 17 characters we know are tops.
Since they're not primary priorities, there's some room for debate on order, but Leia & STHan, for instance, help you get CLS, and I would like to set you up to get him sooner rather than later, so they're on the list before, say, Ventress, even though NightSisters are a good squad.
In any case, this is a good starting point and if you want to vary things up later, that's fine.
Galact War Store
I don't want you to spend a single token in the GW store. In order to torch your opponents in fleet, you're going to use your saved tokens to get a massive head start on buying ships.
The GW store should start selling ships at Level 60 (unless I'm badly misremembering), so keep saving more & more for your best shot at ULTIMATE POWER.
Once you hit level 60, you'll start buying, but if you buy the Geo ships randomly, you'll soon find that you have lots of shards of Spy's & Soldier's ships, but none of Sun Fac's. This is because Sun Fac's ship is rare, while Spy & Soldier's ships are common. So the odds are that they'll come up first, you'll spend on them, which will run you out of tokens, and then you won't have any tokens available when the Sun Fac ship does show up.
So we're going to do what we've done elsewhere. You're going to keep a minimum fund of 2,000 tokens. You cannot go below that except for your very top-most priority. That way when a rare priority shows up, you can actually buy it. Notice I said "a rare priority" and not just Sun Fac's ship. That's because even after Sun Fac's ship is done, there are still some rare ships in there and you'll want to buy those using the same kind of banking system or you'll never finish them.
Fortunately the characters are all the same toons, all the time, no rotation, no RNG. That makes the characters easy & you don't have to keep a bank once you have all the ships collected. But be aware, you're going to need every single one of the ships sold here, so it's going to be a long time before you can get rid of the bank system.
When you hit level 60, just buy any Geo ship that comes up, nothing but Geo ships, as fast as you can get them. You do that until you've spent down to your 2k minimum. Go crazy.
After that, this is your priority list: 1. Keep 2,000 in the bank except for purchases of highest remaining priority
2. Sun Fac's Starfighter => 7*
3. Spy's STarfighter => 5*
4. Soldier's Starfighter => 5*
5. Zeb => 5*
6. Spy => 6*
7. Soldier => 6*
8. Spy => 7*
9. Soldier => 7*
10. Zeb => 7*
11. Poggle the Lesser => 7* (if he's not 7* already from farming him elsewhere)
12. Imperial TIE Fighter => 6*
13. Cad Bane => 7*
14. Clone Sergeant's ARC-170 => 6*
15. Imperial TIE => 7*
16. Clone Sergeant's ARC-170 => 7*
17. Resistance X-Wing
18. First Order TIE Fighter => 6*
19. Ahsoka Tano's Jedi Starfighter => 6*
20. Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter => 6*
21. Umbaran Starfighter => 6*
22. Jedi Consular's Starfighter => 6*
23. ==>ANY ships that aren't at 7* yet, pretty much in random order (but remember the 2k bank rule for the highest priority ship to make sure you finish your rare ones)
24. K2-SO => 7*
25. Teebo => 7*
26. Biggs => 5*
27. Luminara Unduli => 5*
28. Phasma => 5*
29. Magmatrooper => 5*
30. NightSister Initiate => 5*
31. Biggs => 5*
32. Tusken Raider => 5*
33. Resistance Pilot => 5*
34. Dathcha => 5*
Everything below Teebo are your "just in case" toons. Again, some of these (like Biggs) you will definitely want, but when you want him is pretty debatable. You need him for a rebel fleet, but that's not your first fleet, so it will be a while. in any case, you can always take one of your "Just in case" toons to 7* any time you need them. Just make sure before you do that you actually need them. K2-SO & Teebo might be "Just in case" toons, except K2-SO is needed for Hoth TB, and Teebo is important (if not exactly needed since there are more than 5 ewoks) for the C-3PO event.
But if you're going to get BB-8 before C-3PO, then you might want to finish Phasma before even starting on K2-SO & Teebo. All the way down to #13 the priorities are pretty solid, but after that if you have an important reason to vary from the plan (like going for BB-8) then vary from the plan. This is just about what priorities look like right now. When you get closer your priorities may have changed, so keep yourself the flexibility to change the plan (and to ask questions on the forums about changing your plan if you feel like you want help making the decision).
You'll note that Zeb gets up to 5* so as to help with minimum unlock of Palp & Thrawn as soon as possible, then puts off 7* for a bit. I think that's fine. I doubt your Hera will be 5* before you get Zeb there, so you should be good.
Mod Store: Until further notice, literally don't buy anything in this store for ship credits - ever. Not anything. When you have 20+ regular ships at 7-stars & level 85 and at least another 3 (preferably 4) capital ships at 7* and level 82+, then you can start thinking about someday wishing you might maybe buy a mod for ship credits. For now, no. Your fleet is what's going to power you to more crystals and the crystals will power you to greater heights in all phases of the game. So don't mess with your fleet's success. Got it?
As for regular credits, I don't think you can afford any of those mods either, but if you're feeling rich some day, you can buy a mod for regular credits under the following conditions:
It's a gold, 5-dot Arrow with a speed primary and the set bonus is not Health or Defense
It's a gold, 5-dot mod with a Speed secondary of +5 or +6 (+6 is extremely rare, but they can happen, don't look for them or you'll be depressed at how rare they are, just focus on +5 Speed mods)... AND ...
It's a Triangle or Plus ... AND ...
One of the following:
- It's got an Offense, Crit Chance, or Crit damage set bonus and the mod Primary stat is Offense, CC%, or Crit damage
- It's a Plus with Potency set bonus and a Potency primary stat
- It's a Plus Tenacity Set Bonus with a Tenacity primary stat
- It's a Triangle with Potency or Tenacity set bonus and the Primary stat is CC%, Offense, or Crit damage
- It's a Health set bonus with a Health primary stat
Now, there are other worthwhile mods, but you're not even level 60 yet and credits are incredibly hard to come by, not to mention the fact that you won't be able to collect mod slicing materials until you're over level 80, which makes white, green & blue mods unlikely to be worth anything for months, at least. So maybe don't buy any mods at all, but if you do, buy only the ones above: gold, 5-dot mods, of the rarer types (Arrow, Triangle & Plus) with +5 Speed secondary or a speed primary and that have a decent match between the Set Bonus and the Primary Stat.