Forum Discussion
4 years agoRising Ace
Fleet Arena Store:
After that (and maybe even before since Plo Koon & Wedge have other sources), you will buy Zetas and ONLY Zetas until the end of time... or until you get so far ahead on zetas that buying Tusken Shaman starts to look good to you. :smiley:
Guild Events Store:
Unfortunately for clarity, this is actually more like 2 stores, because there are two different "Guild Events" currencies. They are typically called Guild Events Token -1 and Guild Events Token -2, and are abbreviated GET-1 & GET-2, which is what I'm going to call them.
Even worse for clarity, the GET-1 purchases are placed below the GET-2 purchases. So... I'm going to do them in the order you see them, with GET-2 first.
Fortunately for clarity, there are very few things you want to buy here for a very, very long time. You will accumulate these currencies slowly, so by the time you accomplish anything here, you'll have had a long time to think about next steps (which are basically gear, gear & more gear after you get these first steps done).
GET-2 Store:
That's it. That's the list. Should take you about 2 years. Seriously. It goes a lot faster later, but right now you can't do much in Hoth Territory Battles and the real income is found in Geonosis Territory Battles, which you can't think about doing right now.
GET-1 Store:
The thing with Wampa that's a little weird is that there's ONE place outside of GET-1 to get Wampa shards. That's an event called "Galactic Bounties I". (Yes, there's also a "Galactic Bounties 2" but Wampa is only in GB-1). It requires 5x Bounty Hunters and you're allowed to pick which one of several mini-events in the list you want to do. They're pretty much the same, save that some are easier and some are harder. To complete the hardest one, which gives you 20 Wampa shards, you should have all your Bounty Hunters to g11 or higher, with Bossk well into g12 if you can manage it.
So this isn't an event you're going to complete soon, but absolutely as soon as you can complete the Wampa tier of GB-1 you should only do Wampa & nothing but Wampa. All the other characters you can get other places besides the event and using GET-1, but not Wampa. This is at least better than Hermit Yoda since you can't get him anywhere except using GET-1.
The point is that getting Wampa from GB-1 is also an extremely long road. The event occurs about once every 50 days and you can get only 20 shards, which means about 0.4 shards/day. You can quickly see that relying only on GB-1 and not spending any currency on Wampa will take you about 800 days (or 2.2 years). But on the other hand, GET-1 is extremely precious and you don't want to spend it on anything unless you absolutely have to do so.
But if you spend to unlock Wampa, then you only need about 15 months of events to get Wampa the rest of the way to 7*. In the meantime, Wampa is required for the Jedi Luke event, but isn't a gamebreaking toon (he's good, don't get me wrong, but not gamebreaking). So spending your GET-1 on Hermit Yoda, GAS & Malak until you need Wampa for Jedi Luke is the smart thing to do. But you're going to have to spend some amount of GET-1 on Wampa, so that's why I recommend using saved GET-1 on Wampa to reach unlock if you're not ready to spend iron GAS & Malak.
And then on the back side, you just save up GET-1 until you are ready to finish Wampa in a hurry, but keep it in the bank since that way if you end up not going for JKL as soon as you think you will, there's time for more Galactic Bounties to come around and reduce your GET-1 cost for finishing. That, of course, leaves you more GET-1 for rare gear.
It seems weird to do all this saving and checking back, but it makes sense since you don't know how many Galactic Bounties events you'll be able to fit in before plunging ahead on the (very steep!) Jedi Knight Luke requirements.
Grand Arena Store:
Shard Shop
This store will open automatically as soon as you get your first shard or blueprint that you don't need because the ship or character is already 7*. But even after it unlocks you won't get Shard Shop currency very fast. Just think about it, all those random shards that drop in Galactic War or from Bronziums? For me 100% of those generates ShShCurrency, but for you none of them do. When you have 1 x 7* character, then even when those random shards drop, there's only a tiny chance they're for the character that's 7*. The others shards will simply continue to rack up and you can't tell the game you would rather have ShShC. It's simply not a possibility until the character in question hits 7*.
So you don't really need a plan yet, but I'll give you one:
1. Collect 2k Tokens, and only spend below that for your highest priority
2. TAX-1 & Vader simultaneously, and equal priority. Since you have effectively 2 highest priorities until one of these is done, you might think about keeping 3k in the bank temporarily. For instance, Sun Fac is important, but he does have other sources. If you're on this step and you collect more than 3k because they aren't showing up enough, then you can spend on Sun Fac's Starfighter or other things farther down the list.
3. Sun Fac's Geonosian Starfighter
4. Sun Fac => 6* (if he's at 6*, let him finish using other sources)
5. Slave 1 (Boba's ship)
6. Imperial TIE => 5* (after that, use other sources)
7. Grievous
8. Ghost & Phantom II (simultaneously & equal priority)
9. Rex's ARC-170
10. Bistan's U-Wing
11. Scimitar & Poe's X-Wing (simultaneously & equal priority)
12. Gauntlet Starfighter
13. Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) & Chirrut Imwe (Simultaneously & equal priority)
14. Plo Koon & Wedge (Simultaneously & equal priority)
After that (and maybe even before since Plo Koon & Wedge have other sources), you will buy Zetas and ONLY Zetas until the end of time... or until you get so far ahead on zetas that buying Tusken Shaman starts to look good to you. :smiley:
Guild Events Store:
Unfortunately for clarity, this is actually more like 2 stores, because there are two different "Guild Events" currencies. They are typically called Guild Events Token -1 and Guild Events Token -2, and are abbreviated GET-1 & GET-2, which is what I'm going to call them.
Even worse for clarity, the GET-1 purchases are placed below the GET-2 purchases. So... I'm going to do them in the order you see them, with GET-2 first.
Fortunately for clarity, there are very few things you want to buy here for a very, very long time. You will accumulate these currencies slowly, so by the time you accomplish anything here, you'll have had a long time to think about next steps (which are basically gear, gear & more gear after you get these first steps done).
GET-2 Store:
1. Malevolence Blueprints until 7*.
2. Negotiator blueprints until 7*.
That's it. That's the list. Should take you about 2 years. Seriously. It goes a lot faster later, but right now you can't do much in Hoth Territory Battles and the real income is found in Geonosis Territory Battles, which you can't think about doing right now.
GET-1 Store:
1. Hermit Yoda => 7*
2. Save 40k GET-1
3. This comes in parts. First ask yourself, "Have I started the General Skywalker Clash on Kamino Epic Confrontation or the Malak Star Forge Showdown Epic Confrontation?"
- If yes, keep saving until you have the toon you're aiming for so you can take it to 7* right away.
- If no, Unlock Wampa (unlocks at 5*/145 shards)
4. Save up GET-1 until you unlock GAS or Malak (requires about 70k GET-1 to take one of these characters to 7-stars after unlocking them in their events, so keep saving until you unlock one or until you get 140k GET-1)
5. Purchase shards of whichever one of GAS or Malak you got first
6. Purchase the other
7. If you have both GAS & Malak at 7* ... OR.. if you have 70k in the bank for each toon you haven't unlocked yet, then you can bring Wampa up to 6*.
8. Once Wampa is at 6* ask yourself, "Am I working on the Jedi Knight Luke event right now?"
- If yes => bring Wampa to 7*
- If no => leave Wampa alone & save up enough GET-1 to finish Wampa whenever you start on that event, and then start spending any extra GET-1 on gear.
The thing with Wampa that's a little weird is that there's ONE place outside of GET-1 to get Wampa shards. That's an event called "Galactic Bounties I". (Yes, there's also a "Galactic Bounties 2" but Wampa is only in GB-1). It requires 5x Bounty Hunters and you're allowed to pick which one of several mini-events in the list you want to do. They're pretty much the same, save that some are easier and some are harder. To complete the hardest one, which gives you 20 Wampa shards, you should have all your Bounty Hunters to g11 or higher, with Bossk well into g12 if you can manage it.
So this isn't an event you're going to complete soon, but absolutely as soon as you can complete the Wampa tier of GB-1 you should only do Wampa & nothing but Wampa. All the other characters you can get other places besides the event and using GET-1, but not Wampa. This is at least better than Hermit Yoda since you can't get him anywhere except using GET-1.
The point is that getting Wampa from GB-1 is also an extremely long road. The event occurs about once every 50 days and you can get only 20 shards, which means about 0.4 shards/day. You can quickly see that relying only on GB-1 and not spending any currency on Wampa will take you about 800 days (or 2.2 years). But on the other hand, GET-1 is extremely precious and you don't want to spend it on anything unless you absolutely have to do so.
But if you spend to unlock Wampa, then you only need about 15 months of events to get Wampa the rest of the way to 7*. In the meantime, Wampa is required for the Jedi Luke event, but isn't a gamebreaking toon (he's good, don't get me wrong, but not gamebreaking). So spending your GET-1 on Hermit Yoda, GAS & Malak until you need Wampa for Jedi Luke is the smart thing to do. But you're going to have to spend some amount of GET-1 on Wampa, so that's why I recommend using saved GET-1 on Wampa to reach unlock if you're not ready to spend iron GAS & Malak.
And then on the back side, you just save up GET-1 until you are ready to finish Wampa in a hurry, but keep it in the bank since that way if you end up not going for JKL as soon as you think you will, there's time for more Galactic Bounties to come around and reduce your GET-1 cost for finishing. That, of course, leaves you more GET-1 for rare gear.
It seems weird to do all this saving and checking back, but it makes sense since you don't know how many Galactic Bounties events you'll be able to fit in before plunging ahead on the (very steep!) Jedi Knight Luke requirements.
Grand Arena Store:
This should only be used for high-end G12 gear. This means if it's not on the top row, don't buy it here. You can buy it elsewhere.
Some people also buy Kyrotech here. I don't, but by the time you need Kyrotech you can make up your own mind. My major rationale for not buying Kyros here is that you're always going to get caught short on something. So if you have to leave yourself short on something, you want to leave yourself short on the things that are cheapest to buy with crystals. Kyrotech salvage is cheaper to buy for crystals than G12-finisher salvage. So I buy G12-finisher salvage here & farm what Kyrotech I can with regular energy (since I'm done farming all regular energy toons until they add more someday), and the rest of the Kyrotech I just buy outright for crystals.
While this works for me, there are a few toons that you can access without going through a huge event that requires g13 or relics on your characters **and** actually require Kyros before g12 (most toons only require Kyros in the very last/most expensive piece of G12 gear at the right/bottom corner of the G12 gear screen). Padmé is one. She's an event toon, but you can easily get her done without taking any toon to relics. Shaak Ti is another, and she's available from Fleet Battles, so you can't get her yet, but you can get her relatively soon and certainly don't need any relic Pilots on your ships to start earning her shards. Admiral Piett is a third - and he's a regular farm that you could do right now if you wanted (do not farm him yet, I'm just saying it's theoretically possible), and he requires Kyros.
From this we know that there are times when you might be needing Kyrotech but not needing G12-finisher pieces. If you find yourself in such a place, then maybe purchasing Kyros there would be a good idea in that situation. Eventually, though, everyone will get to the point in the game where you have a steady crystal income and you need multiple relic characters. At that point, buying only G12 finisher salvage is the way to go in the GAC Store.
Shard Shop
This store will open automatically as soon as you get your first shard or blueprint that you don't need because the ship or character is already 7*. But even after it unlocks you won't get Shard Shop currency very fast. Just think about it, all those random shards that drop in Galactic War or from Bronziums? For me 100% of those generates ShShCurrency, but for you none of them do. When you have 1 x 7* character, then even when those random shards drop, there's only a tiny chance they're for the character that's 7*. The others shards will simply continue to rack up and you can't tell the game you would rather have ShShC. It's simply not a possibility until the character in question hits 7*.
So you don't really need a plan yet, but I'll give you one:
Buy Mk5 Stun Guns and only Mk5 Stun Guns. They cost 372 ShShC for a package of 5 salvage.
You'll never have too many of them, and they show up pretty rarely, but even so you won't have enough currency to buy all the Mk5 Stun Gun salvage that shows up here. They show up once or twice a week, I think, and that means you have to get 50 shards (or 20 ship blueprints) you don't need for characters or ships that are already 7* every single week just to make sure you can keep up. You're a long way off from that. So right now, it's Mk5 Stun Gun salvage only (make sure they're not Mk4 Stun Gun salvage which are much easier to get). Actually, not even right now. It's whenever you achieve your first 7* toon.
Someday when you are buying every single Mk5 Stun Gun salvage available in this store and you still keep building up currency, you'll hit 2,000 ShShCs in the bank. When that happens, you'll need to make a new plan to buy some other things in that store so as not to let that currency sit there, wasted. Until then, though, nothing exists in this shop for you except Mk5 Stun Gun salvage.
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