Forum Discussion

spiral_fis192's avatar
9 years ago

Poor Ahsoka...

7*, gear 8 and max level, and only barely managed to top 5k power. So sad...
  • Ashoka is a fun toon. That power stat isn't the be all end all. Poe has never been above 5k.
  • Love Ahsoka...both as a character in the SW universe and as a character in the game.

    She has been a mainstay on my GW team from the get-go. Her ability to be self-sustaining (she self- heals for A LOT of hp and VERY often), hit solidly and come through with a timely team heal every now and then makes her a valuable asset in GW, Light-Side battles and Daily events. That's a lot of reason to have her available to use regularly.

    She is, as noted here by others, not viable in the current Squad Arena meta at all. Her speed is atrocious (very near the lowest in the game). Combine that with her very low hp pool (also near the lowest in the game) and she is not any kind of challenge at all.

    On a QGJ team with the full speed boost, this changes a little bit, but even then her current maxed speed with his leader bonus would only be 116, better but still really weak. Which is too bad, but she still has plenty of reasons to root for her as an in-game character.
  • With ahsoka's leader ability - is it just her that gets the turn meter gain on successful personal evade or is it the whole team? Or does she get it whenever anyone evades? I ask because the wording doesn't specify it's only her and most leader abilities apply to the whole team.

    Also, with her daring padawan and health gain - does she lose the health bonus for each ally that dies? (and does she regain it if a member is revived)

    Im about to take her to 4 stars hopefully but would be great if I could know this before to determine how much of a priority I want her to be.

  • He power is low bc she has low base health but she gets a 9% increase per living character so that's why her power is low
  • Ahsoka has the highest crit rate in the game. She crits about half the time. I run her with Leia, to get crit chance up. This actually makes her team heal very reliable.

    Ahsoka would have about 13K HP with Barriss as leader. That's plenty. In my opinion, low speed is offset by high HP. You can outlast many fast teams if you build your group well. I'm top 10 in my ranking board (which is rather competitive) and I don't subscribe at all to the present so-called burst damage meta. Which is why I've always been skeptical of it.
  • "SidiousIsPikachu;132235" wrote:
    im still shocked from lvl 70 player with 169K gold.
    how can some1 be less than 1M on this level ? :open_mouth: \.

    I have less than that at the end of every day. You get about 4.5 millions per week, and I spend more than that. If you want to have different chars instead of always the same 5, it is expensive
  • My team is Phasma, Fives, Kylo Ren, Old Ben and Dooku. So, three counter attackers, two tanks, and Phasma as debuff/turn meter manipulator. That means no natural target to focus down. Phasma+ Fives+ Old Ben are an awesome debuff trio. Speed Down is my favorite debuff. Dooku plays in there with his stuns. Kylo adds very good DPS, counters and is a big threat at low HP. Whenever Dooku gets called by Phasma's leadership assist he has a good chance to gain half a turn meter.

    So far I haven't met a team in the arena that I can't beat with this setup. But I'm just not committed enough to stay in top 5 or whatever I could be going for.