Forum Discussion

DarthSlippyfist's avatar
6 years ago

Possibly a dumb farming question...

I'm still really new, lvl 76. I managed to 7* Thrawn by heavily focusing resources on Phoenix squad. They should be good enough to grab Palpatine next time he comes around. My Empire squad won't be ready to 7* R2 the next time he comes around so I'm trying to figure out what to farm next. I'm working on BHs and Jedi at the moment.

Looking at the event schedule is it better to start farming for GMY since his event recently ended and I should have time to get a squad ready? I feel like I can get a good farming pace going once I start, just looking for opinions on the ideal starting point. I'm following the pillars the best I can, but everything feels so unfocused right now.
  • "Slippyfist;d-198729" wrote:
    I'm still really new, lvl 76. I managed to 7* Thrawn by heavily focusing resources on Phoenix squad. They should be good enough to grab Palpatine next time he comes around. My Empire squad won't be ready to 7* R2 the next time he comes around so I'm trying to figure out what to farm next. I'm working on BHs and Jedi at the moment.

    Looking at the event schedule is it better to start farming for GMY since his event recently ended and I should have time to get a squad ready? I feel like I can get a good farming pace going once I start, just looking for opinions on the ideal starting point. I'm following the pillars the best I can, but everything feels so unfocused right now.

    Stay on target...finish one farm at a time.
  • Stay on Empire then? Is it possible to 7* R2 without Palpatine? I doubt I could get Imperial Troopers ready, but I have 7* Thrawn, 6* Tarkin, 6* Vader, 4* TFP. I can probably finish TFP and Tarkin before R2 comes back, maybe Vader if the Fleet Store behaves. I have Veers at 4* and Stark at 4*. I'm actively farming them. Could some incarnation of these work on the R2 event?
  • I had a difficult time doing R2 event sans Palpatine, BUT I didn't have Thrawn like you did. It should be doable with the team you have. (Thrawn/Vader/TFP/Tarkin/Etc.) Veers isn't a terrible farm especially in the silver coin shop...drops often
  • Generally...starters should be phoenix to EP and Thrawn...then move to get CLS and R2...
  • "Calbear949;c-1809607" wrote:
    Generally...starters should be phoenix to EP and Thrawn...then move to get CLS and R2...

    Yeah that's where I was planning to go with my farming, I just had the thought that I may never be able to catch up if I try to focus on the next legendary event. I've read a lot of people are having difficulty with the R2 event without Palpatine, and since R2 will come back around before Palpatine should I just try to focus on the next event after that. Or do I just try to 5 or 6 star R2 and move on?
  • I completed the event with a G10 Palpatine and G9 Vader, Tarkin, Royal Guard and Veers. There was no Thrawn in the game back then. The event should be difficult without Palpatine, though. His leader ability effectively gives a bonus to both Tarkin and Vader after they use their specials, Intimidate and Force Crush, respectively. Try to get Palpatine, but good luck anyways.
  • "Anant2506;c-1809858" wrote:
    I completed the event with a G10 Palpatine and G9 Vader, Tarkin, Royal Guard and Veers. There was no Thrawn in the game back then. The event should be difficult without Palpatine, though. His leader ability effectively gives a bonus to both Tarkin and Vader after they use their specials, Intimidate and Force Crush, respectively. Try to get Palpatine, but good luck anyways.

    Thank you! I'll just give it my best and hope.
  • "Slippyfist;d-198729" wrote:
    I'm still really new, lvl 76. I managed to 7* Thrawn by heavily focusing resources on Phoenix squad. They should be good enough to grab Palpatine next time he comes around. My Empire squad won't be ready to 7* R2 the next time he comes around so I'm trying to figure out what to farm next. I'm working on BHs and Jedi at the moment.

    Looking at the event schedule is it better to start farming for GMY since his event recently ended and I should have time to get a squad ready? I feel like I can get a good farming pace going once I start, just looking for opinions on the ideal starting point. I'm following the pillars the best I can, but everything feels so unfocused right now.

    you won't find much use out of R2 without CLS or JTR (which you are far away from) so I'd go for Jedi, but only if you plan on getting Revan. If not try get ready for CLS and R2 after this time.
  • "hotdeaths;c-1814016" wrote:
    "Slippyfist;d-198729" wrote:
    I'm still really new, lvl 76. I managed to 7* Thrawn by heavily focusing resources on Phoenix squad. They should be good enough to grab Palpatine next time he comes around. My Empire squad won't be ready to 7* R2 the next time he comes around so I'm trying to figure out what to farm next. I'm working on BHs and Jedi at the moment.

    Looking at the event schedule is it better to start farming for GMY since his event recently ended and I should have time to get a squad ready? I feel like I can get a good farming pace going once I start, just looking for opinions on the ideal starting point. I'm following the pillars the best I can, but everything feels so unfocused right now.

    you won't find much use out of R2 without CLS or JTR (which you are far away from) so I'd go for Jedi, but only if you plan on getting Revan. If not try get ready for CLS and R2 after this time.

    That's a fair point. I plan on getting all of the Legendary toons, and Revan is definitely on the higher end of my want list. I've been side farming Bastila and Jolee, so if I farm those two and Old Ben that would lead me to GMY and give me a start on Revan. I may just 5/6* R2 and move on.