Forum Discussion

Acrofales's avatar
7 years ago

Question: is +3% speed always a simple +1?


When upgrading 5A to 6E mods, you say speed gets a +3% increase. In your example mod upgrade you show a mod going from 10 to 11 speed. Given that +3% of any amount of speed secondary is always between 0 and 1 (it would only be above 1 if speed secondaries could go above 33, which they cannot). So is it safe to say that speed secondaries simply always get a +1?

Note that if the percentage worked the same way as the 10% from the speed bonus, it would always be rounded *down*, and you'd get a +0 on all speed secondaries. So it's a bit confusing as to how this works. Can we get this clarified? Is this essentially always a +1 speed? Or is there some voodoo with decimals happening behind the scene?
  • I understood their example that the displayed value is just that, a display. The actual number applied is the decimal version.

    That was my sentiment too, not sure why they rounded that particular stat up when it clearly shouldn't have. Probably to make people feel like something happened to their mods.

    The next question I have is say your non-arrow mods all currently have +10 speed. Then you upgrade them all to 6dot and each displays as 11 (when it's really 10.3). What is displayed on the character's speed? Is it +52 (10.3*5 = 51.5 and then rounded up) or +55 (11*5 = 55 the sum of the displayed values)?
  • The best speed secondary you can have as a gold mod is +30 (even being pratically impossible to get 5 rolls of 6). 3% of 30 is 0.9. So yeah on a secondary mods, you will always get 1.
  • "Angelloyd;c-1635283" wrote:
    The best speed secondary you can have as a gold mod is +30 (even being pratically impossible to get 5 rolls of 6). 3% of 30 is 0.9. So yeah on a secondary mods, you will always get 1.

    its technically 29 it cant start above 5
  • Don’t know if I can help but I sliced a mod to 27 speed then sliced to 6* and it displaces 28 now.
  • "Stud3099;c-1635273" wrote:
    I understood their example that the displayed value is just that, a display. The actual number applied is the decimal version.

    That was my sentiment too, not sure why they rounded that particular stat up when it clearly shouldn't have. Probably to make people feel like something happened to their mods.

    The next question I have is say your non-arrow mods all currently have +10 speed. Then you upgrade them all to 6dot and each displays as 11 (when it's really 10.3). What is displayed on the character's speed? Is it +52 (10.3*5 = 51.5 and then rounded up) or +55 (11*5 = 55 the sum of the displayed values)?

    The latter part we can answer by looking at one of my arena's resident whales.

    He has a Nest with 5 mk6e mods (only arrow is still mk5):


    +30 from speed arrow

    Total: 131

    He has her fully maxed, so 159 from complete gear levels gives +15 from the speed set:

    Total: 146. Exactly what it displays on his character sheet.

    This makes it more likely there is no decimal point voodoo behind the scenes, and taking a mod to mk6e adds a flat +1 speed, regardless of whether that mod had +3 or +29 at mk5a.
  • "Acrofales;c-1635392" wrote:
    "Stud3099;c-1635273" wrote:
    I understood their example that the displayed value is just that, a display. The actual number applied is the decimal version.

    That was my sentiment too, not sure why they rounded that particular stat up when it clearly shouldn't have. Probably to make people feel like something happened to their mods.

    The next question I have is say your non-arrow mods all currently have +10 speed. Then you upgrade them all to 6dot and each displays as 11 (when it's really 10.3). What is displayed on the character's speed? Is it +52 (10.3*5 = 51.5 and then rounded up) or +55 (11*5 = 55 the sum of the displayed values)?

    The latter part we can answer by looking at one of my arena's resident whales.

    He has a Nest with 5 mk6e mods (only arrow is still mk5):


    +30 from speed arrow

    Total: 131

    He has her fully maxed, so 159 from complete gear levels gives +15 from the speed set:

    Total: 146. Exactly what it displays on his character sheet.

    This makes it more likely there is no decimal point voodoo behind the scenes, and taking a mod to mk6e adds a flat +1 speed, regardless of whether that mod had +3 or +29 at mk5a.

    It does lend itself to that. Next is to test 2 toons with same speed but one has 6dot mod with speed and confirm that the one with 6dots goes first at least one time