Forum Discussion

Qeltarr's avatar
9 years ago

Rating healers?

How would you rate them?

I'm new but here are the ones I have tried so far...

- Barriss: Amazing. Not much more to say here. Heals a lot, but beyond that, gets you out of the "one character is about to die" jam. Has renewed my faith in Chewie. On top of that is tanky as heck.. and even has a secondary all-party heal.

- Jedi Consular: Basic healer, secondary ability is not that exciting. Everyone has him. Sort of run-of-the-mill.

- Talia: Good, and the only option on the dark side, but requires much more careful planning to use than the others. She is also very susceptible to "falling behind" in terms of health and not being able to catch up. IMO much better as a secondary healer than a primary one.

- Ewok Elder: Haven't really used this guy much. The revive ability is great.

- Old Daka: Haven't used much, maybe the only other healer on the dark side? One annoyance for me is the very slow animation for her base attack (or maybe it just seems slow).

- Luminara: I'm told she's good but when I've borrowed her she hasn't healed for much more than the Consular. Ability block is a nice secondary.

I'm sure I've missed some.

Special mention: Ahsoka Tano... not really a healer but frequently self-heals and on occasion heals the party. There are probably others like this I don't know about. I am torn on whether to level her up or not as I do have a lot of healers already.

Is Luminara worth leveling / gearing up when I have the Consular already? They are really somewhat similar and the Consular looks easier to level up.