Forum Discussion

Kodiak_Skywalke's avatar
6 years ago

REVISED; Dooku Zeta Question. New queries!

My inventory.

So I have the Zeta abilities for my main one or two teams pretty much squared away and I'm zeta-ing solely on the basis of improving my PVP standings (GAC mostly but TW also).
I'm thinking I'll prob toss my next zeta on my EP emp-sith squad as they're prob my next toughest and most developed group without one yet (SA I play my ZBSF as #5 on Jango-BH which is my main group RN. I understand how far behind meta I am : /. FTP woes lol)

So I definitely am goin to want EPs unique zeta - definitely before his lead one which IMO, just seems like a very weak Z ability in comparison to alot of the zeta leads out there. I've been utilizing this squad very effectively without it and can't imagine it helping more than the +50% prot & Max prot gain of his unique.

However I have a zeta ready to put on someone right now. And I'm very very torn because I really want to do Dookus unique Zeta first. I employ Dooku in a lot of facilities on account of his countering stunning ability blocking mechanics. The only issue I have with him he's kinda soft as you're all aware

My question:
Can anyone who has it themselves tell me - does Dookus zeta improve his effectiveness and longevity 'nearly' as much as it seems to?
Because the text for it is great! Reads way better than either of Vader's or palps stupid zeta texts seem to... But it also seems like potentially it could end up just 'not improving him ENOUGH to make him a truly viable, deadly counter attacking tank like he seems to have the potential of being' ...
Sorry for long post! Thanks in advance for your input