Forum Discussion

Completionist68's avatar
8 years ago

Scoundrel Rework Ideas

With two new scoundrels being added to the game, I thought that it would be interesting to discuss other ideas for enhancing the faction. Some ideas that I have include:
•Giving Greedo a new ability called, "Going Somewhere?" that allows him to gain bonus protection and foresight
•Giving the Gamorrean Guard a zeta on his "Punch Through" ability that allows him to gain protection equal to the damage dealt and health regeneration for two turns
•Adding Jango Fett to the game and giving him Zam Wessel synergy as well as a Separatist leader ability
•Giving Greedo dioxise grenades instead of thermal detonators, which would explode immediately and apply three damage over time effects
•Giving the mob enforcer a new ability called, "Intimidate" which allows her to gain bonus protection and taunt for two turns.
What are your ideas for a scoundrel faction rework?

3 Replies

  • Get rid of the thermal detonator part of Boba's lead and give it to Greedo as well as change Greedo's leader 50% crit damage to say 10-20% crit chance, then have a zeta that lets all scoundrels inflict a thermal detonator on a crit, and makes them undispellable.
    If it's "punch through" perhaps allow massive damage to targets below full health, or complelty ignore defense, etc. as well as something for his basic either doing a lot of DoTs, or just a damage boost
    Cad Bane could use a lot of work, mainly anti-Jedi or evasive stuff (foresight, stealth, etc)
    Clone wars Chewie needs to be made he real Chewie and the vet Chewie removed
    88 could use more droid synergy, as his end game was to start a droid revolution
    Finally, the big one. Mob enforcer:
    Basic: with a name like "fighting dirty" it should do some cheap stuff, defense penetration, tenacity down, ability block, stun, etc
    Special: my idea for a detonator fix as a whole is to make them undispellable and explode when the enemy takes their next turn, as for the ability itself, either have the detonator do a lot of damage, or something similar to Gunray's where it's big on the primary target and minor damage to all other enemies, or both
    Unique: perhaps a way to taunt, maybe whenever a scoundrel gets debuffed she has a 5% chance to taunt
  • Another idea for detonators... any thermal detonator that is dispeled, instead explodes immediately for 200% more dmg and applies half of that damage to adjacent allies.