7 years ago
Ships problem.
I am having some ships problems : Vader's ship never dispels and always gets resisted.And i mean ALWAYS.My FOTP and TFP barely get a target lock (perhaps once every 10-15 battles).And somehow my TFP g...
"Nokhai;c-1464245" wrote:"chionophile;c-1463753" wrote:"TVF;c-1463738" wrote:
You're half right - but the dispel can be resisted.Inflict Evasion Down and Ability Block on target enemy for 2 turns, then gain 25% Turn Meter for each debuff on that enemy. Target Lock: Dispel all buffs and remove 100% Turn Meter.
Can it? I've never seen a dispel resisted, either in ships or regular toons. Evaded, yes, but not resisted.
Believe me when i tell you i see this alot while trying to dispel ****'s ship.I really don't know if it is bad karma,massive bad luck or RNG but something is not right.Just a few minutes ago i did a battle and saw my TFP's ship evade just one attack while the others hit him and he was history in 45 seconds. :/