Forum Discussion

Amartell44's avatar
7 years ago

Sith team speculation...

Sooo... Sith are going to be getting a rework?

It’s been suggested and I’m sure we are all speculating....

What’s it gonna be? Vader and Palp getting some zetas and reworks?

Will there be some new Sith?

I’m gearing them up in anticipation...

Looking forward to the darkside being a powerhouse again...

Anyone else focusing their efforts on making your Sith team stronger in anticipation of the changes to come?
  • My guess is there will be new 1 or 2 char (defenitely marquee) to make new palp/vader zeta or rework work well hmm
  • I’m in theory craft mode...

    But you know....

    Talzin under an empire lead with Sith trooper and assassin is pretty interesting... Their attacks ignore protection... as does plague

    Makes for taking out an opponent with low health yet a lot of protection an interesting idea...

  • I think the sith team will get just a dab of the separatist rework that is coming. I’m hoping for a couple of new characters, Chancellor Palpatine and Droideka, and a rework of Grievous.

    In response, I’ve almost finished asajj, resumed farming Grievous, and plan on finally finishing Dooku and the droids when it’s confirmed.
  • I am really hoping for that Separatists rework too, but I doubt it will happens this month. The what's ahead quote doesn't say go in that way at all.
    We can just rely on the "big" thing that will happen for dark side
  • As much as I want to believe it will be awesome, I'm sure they'll release 5 new rebels/resistance toons that completely outclass whatever Sith fun is headed our way..