Forum Discussion

SithHappens4414's avatar
9 years ago

Storm Trooper Han

OK, here's my tank situation right now:

Clone Wars Chewie: Gear level 8; level 70; 5 stars (3/85)
Royal Guard: Gear level 7; level 70; 4 stars (48/65)
Poe Dameron: Gear level 6; level 57; 3 stars (1/30)
Old Ben: Gear level 1; level 1; 4 stars (14/65)

High Health characters that I use like a tank (except without taunt):
Fives: gear level 8; level 78, 7 stars
Savage Opress: gear level 6; level 62; 5 stars (40/85)
Captain Phasma: gear level 7; level 78; 7 stars

Should I be trying to go after Stormtrooper Han, who by many accounts in these forums is the best tank in the game, or should I be OK focusing on a character I already have? I know my high health characters aren't tanks, but a toon like Fives soaks up a lot of damage and is usually the last one standing. Any thoughts?
  • I consider RG the best tank in the game. Though it does sound like you have brought a lot of tanky characters for your team, so there might not be the same need for a "STOP!" button like the one provided by RG whenever Rey or any other glasscannon loses health fast.
  • ST Han is not always the best tank. But against a lot of teams, he is really great on offense.

    This might help you decide: Han is a long farm. He is not very helpful until you get him geared and starred up quite high. And he is not that great on defense.

    If you have Rey and/or Leia for DPS, you can easily make a team with a combo of 2 or 3 toons out of 5's/savage/RG, then Rey/Leia and another support.

    Your RG is only one gear level away from being very useful.