Forum Discussion

tetete15's avatar
9 years ago

Tank Raid Preliminary Squad Brainstorm

I'm not usually one to farm characters specifically for a certain event, raid, etc., but for some reason the upcoming tank raid is getting me all sorts of hyped. So in preparation, I'm doing a little brainstorming for a squad to farm. Here's what I'm thinking so far:

Dathcha (L)

Not only do they all have anti-droid benefits, they appear to have lots of synergy in my opinion:
- Dathcha and Jawa get bonuses for living jawa allies.
- All of them have a lots of opportunities to cripple the droids with debuffs such as stuns, ability block, defense down, and speed down.
- Jawa does extra damage to debuffed enemies.
- IGD and Ugnaught do double damage to droids.
- A bit of TM manipulation never hurts, right?

Suggestions? Alternate ideas? Please keep in mind that I'm F2P.
  • Old Ben lead will be sick IMO, especially with those toons you mentioned.

    Jawa, Datcha, Ugnaught already have high evasion, let's give them some more and reward them with TM whenever they do. OB ability block will be very useful. Use IGD as your hammer. I'm hoping EK gets another buff, or there's some sort of additional benefit to anti-droid toons.... Otherwise, he still falls very flat compared to Rey, Anakin, GS, Leia, droids etc. in the damage department, even with his anti-droid bonus and any leader ability he buffs from
  • I think as things stand, Eeth Koth is just too weak to have a place on my raid team. I think I will be running with 4 Jawas and IGD, unless there is a superior (AOE) setup.
  • Odds r u could do far better w/ IGD led jedi and a Jawa team as well. Jawas and jedi get bonuses in the upcoming raid. Really surprised clones don't. Why not capitalize on them and have 2 good teams.
  • "evanbio;658711" wrote:
    Do you already have these toons? Or are you just thinking of getting them?

    I'm not sure Datcha is the best lead for the event. TMR is reduced by 50% in the raid. And I'm not sure of the stats on DefDown, but I never really see much difference there.

    Personally, I think that AoE will be huge in the new raid. Taking out all the weapons at once will provide a morale boost. I'm thinking Lando paired with Ackbar for back to back crits could be amazing.

    I have IGD (4*, getting close to 5*), Eeth (7* but not maxed), Jawa (3*, started farming recently for this purpose), and Ugnaught (just started farming so only 2*), and I started farming Dathcha yesterday.
  • "Poxx;659803" wrote:
    Odds r u could do far better w/ IGD led jedi and a Jawa team as well. Jawas and jedi get bonuses in the upcoming raid. Really surprised clones don't. Why not capitalize on them and have 2 good teams.

    I've been building an IGD-led Jedi counter team with Aayla, QGJ, Kit, and Yoda, so I'll certainly keep that in mind.
  • My IGD (6*) Jedi team has Aayla(7*), JKA(6*), QGJ(7*), and Lumi(7*) (with Yoda 6* under development).

    I also have the Jawas 7* except for JE (70/100).
  • "Poxx;659803" wrote:
    Odds r u could do far better w/ IGD led jedi and a Jawa team as well. Jawas and jedi get bonuses in the upcoming raid. Really surprised clones don't. Why not capitalize on them and have 2 good teams.

    Really hope they have a clone buff; very odd that clones would not considering they did the legwork during the "clone" wars, but whatever.

    Edit: grammar.
  • Gonna laugh my butt off when/if a raid/event comes out that requires a healer(which any raid really should)