Chewy and 3P0 work good with rebels. Right now you could use him with CLS, stormtrooper han, princess Leia, and R2D2. Eventually, you want the rebels squad that has Chewy and 3P0 to be CLS, Han, Chewbacca and either R2D2 or C3P0 (meaning you would put Yoda in the Padme squad instead of C3P0). If you don't know how to get Chewbacca he can be unlocked with Bounty Hunters.
For Chewbacca you should use boba fett, Bossk (dark side farm on node 9-B), IG-88, Cad Bane, and Jango Fett (light side farm on node 8-D). The reason you want those certain characters is because to unlock the Millenium Falcon you need Bounty hunter ships. That is why you unlock the Bounty Hunters that have a ship plus Jango fett since he could be farmed with Hound's Tooth.
If you don't know, for the Millenium Falcon you should use Slave I (found in fleet store and fleet battles on node 2-B), Hound's Tooth (found on the same node as jango fett), Xanadu Blood (found in light side battles on node 8-B), and IG-2000 (found on light side battles 6-E).
For Padme you need separatists. You have a couple options for that. You could just use Dooku, Poggle, Grievous, MagnaGuard, and Geo Soldier (your top 5 separatists). You could use Grievous and the droids but you would need to farm Droideka (light side hard node farm), b1 battle droid (fleet battle farm), and b2 battle droid (guild and fleet shipment). Or you could use the 5 geos which would mean gearing up geo spy, soldier, and sun fac a little more while farming Brood Alpha from cantina nodes.
So basically the paths you can take (to sum up everything) are:
- farm bounty hunters and their ships for Chewbacca and the Millenium Falcon
- farm separatists for Padme
- gearing jedi to make them even better while also preparing for Ahsoka and Anakin to split from the Jedi squad into the Padme squad
- farm old republic for Revan and Darth Revan
- farm/gear up Sith characters like sion and Nihilus to make your Sith squad better
That was a lot of info. Hopefully I didn't get you too stressed about unlocking and gearing up all those characters because the point of the game is to have fun.