Forum Discussion

Push2Stops's avatar
8 years ago

THRU Padawan's Corner

A place for my guild's newer players to have longer discussions.

Note: Thanks for the suggestions, but we are not interested in third party apps.
  • "N8tiveTwitch;c-1220730" wrote:
    Wanted advise on teepatine team for haat p3. Teebo lead, Ep, not sure who else I should build up on that team. Any basic mod advise?

    It didn't really catch on the first time around. PFK wants to use it though so it's back.! :)
    Around those two you want 2 to 3 taunting tanks. I know you have Sith Trooper but he only taunts when sith use specials so I don't know how well that will work. The usual 3 tanks are Sun Fac, St. Han, and Royal Guard. I know you don't have Sun Fac but you have S. R. Pathfinder, he should work. For mods you'll want to boost your Protection on your Tanks and focus on Speed, Potency, and Crit Chance/Dmg for Palpy. Your Teebo should be fine as is. Hope that helps! Se you in-game.
  • Just going to bump this over to Strategy section.

    Hope it keeps a little life this time around.
  • "DaGovern0r;c-1227371" wrote:
    Push, 2 thoughts. First, any thought of putting a damage cap on normal tank takedown? We are finishing way faster than we can generate raid tickets. Maybe having the raid last a little longer will allow some players to be able test out different teams for different phases in preparation for Heroic.

    Second, do you have any idea about what kind of strategy we will use when we switch to Heroic Tank Takedown?

    I don't think a damage cap could hurt. But I also don't think it would help members with testing out strategies. Unfortunately, strategies are different for Normal and Heroic. That is to say teams that work in one don't necessarily work in the other. The community has done the testing for us; we know what works, but more importantly, how it works. We want to get the teams that work, gear and mod them appropriately, then coordinate our attacks to deal damage efficiently. That's not to say there aren't alternatives, which is why it's important to understand how the teams work.
    PFK, any thoughts?
  • "DaGovern0r;c-1228375" wrote:
    I get what you're saying. I'm currently working on a chirpatine squad, the other squads I've seen recommended for P3 I'm nowhere close to having ready. In the case where I would need to throw in a backup squad, I'm not sure who would be effective based on the characters I currently have as I know that some of the ones I use now won't be available during a heroic raid, i.e. will be dead already or not 7 stars, is more what I meant about testing out stratergies. Granted I haven't tried to come up with a backup squad yet, plan to start testing next raid. But anyway, I get your point.

    I'm excited to see how we do once we make the switch, I'll have Chirpa at 7 stars sometime in the next 3 weeks if the drops go my way

    Most of us probably won't have back up teams to start. We'll need 4 strong--different--teams that can do the job of the phase they are tasked to. Players with deeper roosters will then pick up any slack. I'm encouraging members to work on one team at a time. It's seems teams for P2 and P4 come about naturally, so I'm pushing for the 1st and 3rd phase teams based on what's closer to already being formed.