Forum Discussion

Xhedao's avatar
New Spectator
6 years ago

TM Manipulation of Capital Ships

Hey folks!

I am actually wondering if there is a third ship ingame, which can manipulate the TM of the two capital ships in a battle. I do not mean ITF or Reaper, of course. But I do not find the answer in the ability descritpions of the involved ships.
Was running a mirrormatch of the HMF Ackbar fleets, just the rebel ships (HMF, Biggs, Cassian, Ghost, P2 / no Bistan, no Wedge) and HT were in the battle and called as reinforcements.
My H1 is at speed 176, opponents 174. Can anybody answer me, why my ultimate was ready after the ult of my opponent?

2 Replies

  • Are you sure the opponent didn't call HMF as a reinforcement? It reduces the capital ship cooldowns.
  • Xhedao's avatar
    New Spectator
    6 years ago
    Yeah, absolutely sure. H1, Biggs, HT, HMF both on starting Lineup. First reinforcements were Phantom. Then my Cassian as RI, afterwards his Ghost. Next RIs were my Ghost and his Cassian. And then the reversed Ult Order.
    The starting line up as well as the reinforcement order are the same for weeks now.