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LordSisk's avatar
7 years ago

Ultimate Survivability Team

I'm trying to think of the best team that would be really difficult to ever kill. So far I've though up this:

General Kenobi (L)
Hermit Zoda
Zanan Jarrus
SRP/Aayla Secura/Thrawn

My ^^ though I'm not necessarily looking for advice on my characters, but in case anyone wanted reference to look at potential characters.
  • "Maztoras;c-1549448" wrote:
    Didnt DN permanently end that era of timeout teams when he was released?

    That's part of why I was thinking about Aayla/Thrawn who would keep DN controlled and eventually taken out.
  • Best counter to DN is DN. If you want to run an anti meta team, Rex lead is the way to go. Lots of survivability, mixed with tons of TM manipulation.
  • Get +175 speed on mods and a burst damage team and wipe the floor with others before they do to you. Best defense is to fight 5v3 :smiley:

    Since I have DN there didnt happened any timeout - even vs 2 tanks + heal...doesnt matter simply.
  • Wampa. Give it long enough and he will outdamage all the heals. No one in that lineup will be able to take him down or control him long enough. I had a shardmate that used to use GK/Zarris with Hyoda, OB and CLS. I would use Wampa and just put it on auto. Took a bit over 3 minutes, but eventually just started one shotting toons.
  • "ExarTheKun;c-1549479" wrote:
    Best counter to DN is DN. If you want to run an anti meta team, Rex lead is the way to go. Lots of survivability, mixed with tons of TM manipulation.

    "XKurareX;c-1549655" wrote:
    Get +175 speed on mods and a burst damage team and wipe the floor with others before they do to you. Best defense is to fight 5v3 :smiley:

    Since I have DN there didnt happened any timeout - even vs 2 tanks + heal...doesnt matter simply.

    This isn't for arena or any real battles, I'm looking for an idea team that would be fun to just watch other teams hit a giant wall.

  • "xlX_Snow_Xlx;c-1549757" wrote:
    Wampa. Give it long enough and he will outdamage all the heals. No one in that lineup will be able to take him down or control him long enough. I had a shardmate that used to use GK/Zarris with Hyoda, OB and CLS. I would use Wampa and just put it on auto. Took a bit over 3 minutes, but eventually just started one shotting toons.

    1v5 with the Wampa vs that team?
  • The ultimate survivablity team is stealthed Acolyte and zombie against the Hoth Rebel Scouts in DSTB. The Scouts keep killing zombie over and over and gaining 50% TM each time. Acolyte never gets a turn, but you'll survive as long as you want to let it keep going.
  • Literally every team has got a counter. No matter which and thats the thing...thats why the best defensive is a superb offensive. Thats why the Imp/JTR teams are upstairs and rex their counter right next to them.

    An extremely fast Phoenix team with shield mods and all zetas can be very difficult to fight against. Also an extremly fast NS team can be a pain - but everything has counters. So do 3 tanks as they do literally no damage and Nihilus doesnt care if you got 10k or are dead afterwards. Wampa will enrage after 3 minutes and also one hit the tanks.

    Speed is your real factor which makes your team tanky - as no damage from 1-2 opposite player means you survive and they die even quicker.

    Even Kenobi with 100k shield wont bring you anything if he just sits in stun and doesnt provide the group with foresight/debuffs and his group attack - speed, speed and speed is the key. Be faster and dispatch the opposite before they can build up their attack chain.

    If opposite team has no aoe dispeller acolyte + zombie will be timeout. Can do a nute gunray team against people without aoe dispell with acolyte, zombie, princess and last one i forgot...they simply stealth behind the zombie and kill you from behind. However b2, baze and sion will just wipe them =) and again we got a counter...

    Only speed mods bring you to your aim further as you can beat even counter teams just by being faster (i.e. your imp is faster than rex, or will crush them)