"Jooky;792173" wrote:
Set device to a not so popular time zone, can these do anytime?
I will set pay out to 8.00pm my time which help me a lot.
My Alt. account run Ackbar(Lead), StHan,Lando,RG,QGJ which now level62 at rank2 as rank1 is so whale,power is higher than me 2,500
Ackbar Lead help to use Double down on Lando 2 times continuously which great damage.
Rey, I prefer to trade gear on Guild currency than Rey.
Boba instead of QGJ is still not sure whether better?
Anyway, Great guide.
No, time zone is totally fixed, you can only start a new account with your device set to an unpopular time zone. But be careful, three hours east of east coast in Atlantic can be surprisingly popular as I learned as other players had the same idea. Also the Atlantic ocean was west from me which was no good idea anyway. I made another new account with Baku time zone which is unchallenged at payout (India is apparently not bad as well) and the "new day" starts 3 hours earlier which also is nice in the evening.
I agree Ackbar is great, but you need to farm STH in Arena store which is important for the meta team I suggest. Farming both is good, but I suggest to start with STH, then IG-88, then Ackbar.
Rey is actually good for GW, and in a strong guild the Guild store is not needed. But if you need the gear, farm this, I have no problem with this.
QGJ is better for the start, with Boba you get into the trap that all main characters need the same gear and you can't make progress. QGJ and GS help a lot to diversify gear. QGJ is very useful fast which is important as f2p.