Forum Discussion

Sagefire94's avatar
9 years ago



I started to farm Ventress from arenashards, I'm at 35/50 now and I don't know If I keep farming her or stop and start a new one. (Sid is already at 7*)

How good is Ventress? any experience with team comps?

If it helps my other chars: all lvl 61

Lumi 7*
Sid 7*
JC 5* (nearly 6*)
Luke 6*
Barris 4*
Dooku 4*
Poe 5*
QGJ 2* (currently farming him in cantina)

thanks :)

2 Replies

  • I've her at 4* and I've been using her since forever. Part of my A-Team for Arena, GW, DS, Cantina, and Challenges where she's available.

    I started working on getting more shards for her yesterday, since I finally reached 7* for Sid. :)

    PS: I saw a few Asajj's on GW today, and I've seen a few threads asking about her, here on the forums. Nice!
  • you guys think that she would fit into an arena team with Kylo, Sid (L), Luke and QGJ/Lumi?

    Kylo and Sid for the aoe and healdebuff
    Luke and QGJ/Lumi for the single target dmg
    and Ventress would be an additional aoe + tauntdebuff