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- Keyboard warriors!
"NicWester;c-1881211" wrote:
Just wanted to say that it took me less than a year to farm Greivous to 7* and that was largely BEFORE Fleet was even an option. Even once Fleet started up, I still only bought four or five shipments of him from it, the rest still came from shard shop.
I have 4 characters to gear for the event. If I did shard shop for Grievous, I probably wouldn't be able to gear all my characters in time for the event, since I get about 10-30% of my gear from shard shop. That's why I don't consider shard shop an option in this instance. Also, my time frame here is far less than a year - it's about 2 months."Woodroward;c-1881186" wrote:
And you still insist upon arguing against the comments that weren't directed towards you as though every comment in this thread should only be about you. No. Once a thread is made anyone who comments becomes as much a part of the thread as the original poster and they don't have to be addressing the op to be on topic.
Even if something you say is not specifically directed toward me, they still reflect your beliefs, ideas, and values and in most cases that is what I was responding to."Woodroward;c-1881186" wrote:
All of your valid points about my points were semantics. For instance, you were the one who really started using the word necessary, not I. So you take my one rephrasing of you putting words in my mouth as me having said it so you could continue in the same vein. It's disingenuous and on top of it it's ignoring what I meant by what I said.
My valid points were not only about semantics. The one example you reference is semantic but it's a bit of a straw man because that could be considered my weakest argument. Note that I did hedge on it a bit even when I made it. But most of my valid points are not semantic like that one. I made a list at the bottom of this post.
I know I risk putting undue emphasis on this trivial point by addressing this. But I first used the word necessary in the form of "unnecessary," and only once, before you responded with your vague statement that it "doesn't mean he isn't really necessary." Which I read as implying (though not stating categorically) that he is necessary, and it still looks that way to me.
But regardless of which way you read that, you were saying that he is either necessary or close to necessary, which is also what your likely/unlikely statements amount to. When I said that you said that Grievous is needed/necessary, would it have made that much of a difference if I had said "pretty much needed" or "close to necessary" instead?
And I did in fact address your main point about Grievous (which you did not respond to) but maybe that's because I did not clearly link it to this issue. So I'll make it again. Your point about Grievous was based on limited playtime - I hope I'm interpreting you correctly there. I said that I do not have limited playtime. I have effectively unlimited playtime.
So in light of that, I think your point about a lack of Grievous making it unlikely that I'll 7* Padme does not apply to me. InRevanWeTrust posted that he did it in only 2-3 hours without Grievous. 2-3 hours is a very short period of time from my perspective and doesn't even begin to take advantage of the effectively unlimited playtime I have at my disposal. And he didn't have the benefit of Droideka (which I will not zeta) or the reworked Nute Gunray (though I'm still not sure how effective reworked Nute will be as a leader or character - and that is my biggest point of worry)."Woodroward;c-1881186" wrote:
You assume that you can't get him in 2 months. You could. You could also not. If you said i don't know if i can get him I'd not have said what I said.
Because of my attitude towards RNG I generally assume extremely bad RNG or the worst possible RNG. In this instance, I wouldn't even have to go that far. I would guess that I would have to be extremely lucky to get Grievous in 2 months from the fleet store alone. And I don't think anyone should be giving advice that is predicated on good luck.
BTW, you should have written your sentence: "If you had said, 'I don't know if I can get him,' then I'd not have said what I said." I had to read that sentence several times before I got that. It's part of a pattern with you of sloppy, vague, or confusing writing. If I am misinterpreting you in some cases that's partly to blame. And I said it before, I take some of the blame as well."Woodroward;c-1881186" wrote:
I don't have to reiterate every inch of your statement to be addressing it.
It's not clear exactly what you're referring to here. Anyway, I'm not responding directly to that quote here (or maybe I am, since it's unclear). I mainly wanted something to separate this from the previous section. Here are some of the main outstanding points (besides the one above about my unlimited playtime making your Grievous advice irrelevant) which you did not address which are not semantic or a result of misinterpretation:
1. It's a bad idea to get everything in the fleet shop before getting zetas. The majority of the characters and ships in the shop that I don't already have maxed out are and will probably always be useless. And zetas are for more important to me. I still regret all the fleet currency I wasted on Chirrut and Rex. Yes, I know how good Chaze can be and maybe Rex will get a rework soon. But I 7*'d them both about a year ago and they haven't benefited me one bit (mainly because I haven't had time/resources to spare to gear them). From my perspective, that currency was badly wasted. They might be used to unlock something good one day but that's unlikely and I really hate gambling/speculating on the future and only recently and very reluctantly started limited targeted speculation. In fact, this entire Padme adventure is already pushing my limits on speculation (I'm only getting her because of what she might be used to unlock) and I'm thus very reluctant to spend more than necessary on it.
2. There are absolutely NOT enough zetas from challenges and events without also buying them with fleet currency. Of course, how many zetas are enough and what "getting by" means is highly subjective, which is why differences in values matter.
To me, if I am unable to get first in both arenas almost every single day, I've lost the game and I might as well stop playing. I know that's a very extreme attitude and nobody else I know shares it. As I said, from personal experience, there were many critical times when I just barely had enough zetas to maintain first in arena (usually in the days after a new meta arrives) and that's with me spending all my fleet currency on zetas (at that time).
3. There are major differences in our goals, attittudes, and values with respect to playing this game (and possibly beyond that). You actually said "There's no value disconnect." If that were true then you and I would have the same goals, values, and attitudes with respect to playing this game. But how can that be when you're willing to take months away from this game, which I would never do, when you don't like doing the same thing everyone else is doing and are willing to give up thousands of dollars in crystals for that, or when limited playtime even enters your head as a consideration when it never enters into mine?"Letareus;c-1881320" wrote:
"NicWester;c-1881211" wrote:
Just wanted to say that it took me less than a year to farm Greivous to 7* and that was largely BEFORE Fleet was even an option. Even once Fleet started up, I still only bought four or five shipments of him from it, the rest still came from shard shop.
I have 4 characters to gear for the event. If I did shard shop for Grievous, I probably wouldn't be able to gear all my characters in time for the event, since I get about 10-30% of my gear from shard shop. That's why I don't consider shard shop an option in this instance. Also, my time frame here is far less than a year - it's about 2 months."Woodroward;c-1881186" wrote:
And you still insist upon arguing against the comments that weren't directed towards you as though every comment in this thread should only be about you. No. Once a thread is made anyone who comments becomes as much a part of the thread as the original poster and they don't have to be addressing the op to be on topic.
Even if something you say is not specifically directed toward me, they still reflect your beliefs, ideas, and values and in most cases that is what I was responding to."Woodroward;c-1881186" wrote:
All of your valid points about my points were semantics. For instance, you were the one who really started using the word necessary, not I. So you take my one rephrasing of you putting words in my mouth as me having said it so you could continue in the same vein. It's disingenuous and on top of it it's ignoring what I meant by what I said.
My valid points were not only about semantics. The one example you reference is semantic but it's a bit of a straw man because that could be considered my weakest argument. Note that I did hedge on it a bit even when I made it. But most of my valid points are not semantic like that one. I made a list at the bottom of this post.
I know I risk putting undue emphasis on this trivial point by addressing this. But I first used the word necessary in the form of "unnecessary," and only once, before you responded with your vague statement that it "doesn't mean he isn't really necessary." Which I read as implying (though not stating categorically) that he is necessary, and it still looks that way to me.
But regardless of which way you read that, you were saying that he is either necessary or close to necessary, which is also what your likely/unlikely statements amount to. When I said that you said that Grievous is needed/necessary, would it have made that much of a difference if I had said "pretty much needed" or "close to necessary" instead?
And I did in fact address your main point about Grievous (which you did not respond to) but maybe that's because I did not clearly link it to this issue. So I'll make it again. Your point about Grievous was based on limited playtime - I hope I'm interpreting you correctly there. I said that I do not have limited playtime. I have effectively unlimited playtime.
So in light of that, I think your point about a lack of Grievous making it unlikely that I'll 7* Padme does not apply to me. InRevanWeTrust posted that he did it in only 2-3 hours without Grievous. 2-3 hours is a very short period of time from my perspective and doesn't even begin to take advantage of the effectively unlimited playtime I have at my disposal. And he didn't have the benefit of Droideka (which I will not zeta) or the reworked Nute Gunray (though I'm still not sure how effective reworked Nute will be as a leader or character - and that is my biggest point of worry)."Woodroward;c-1881186" wrote:
You assume that you can't get him in 2 months. You could. You could also not. If you said i don't know if i can get him I'd not have said what I said.
Because of my attitude towards RNG I generally assume extremely bad RNG or the worst possible RNG. In this instance, I wouldn't even have to go that far. I would guess that I would have to be extremely lucky to get Grievous in 2 months from the fleet store alone. And I don't think anyone should be giving advice that is predicated on good luck.
BTW, you should have written your sentence: "If you had said, 'I don't know if I can get him,' then I'd not have said what I said." I had to read that sentence several times before I got that. It's part of a pattern with you of sloppy, vague, or confusing writing. If I am misinterpreting you in some cases that's partly to blame. And I said it before, I take some of the blame as well."Woodroward;c-1881186" wrote:
I don't have to reiterate every inch of your statement to be addressing it.
It's not clear exactly what you're referring to here. Anyway, I'm not responding directly to that quote here (or maybe I am, since it's unclear). I mainly wanted something to separate this from the previous section. Here are some of the main outstanding points (besides the one above about my unlimited playtime making your Grievous advice irrelevant) which you did not address which are not semantic or a result of misinterpretation:
1. It's a bad idea to get everything in the fleet shop before getting zetas. The majority of the characters and ships in the shop that I don't already have maxed out are and will probably always be useless. And zetas are for more important to me. I still regret all the fleet currency I wasted on Chirrut and Rex. Yes, I know how good Chaze can be and maybe Rex will get a rework soon. But I 7*'d them both about a year ago and they haven't benefited me one bit (mainly because I haven't had time/resources to spare to gear them). From my perspective, that currency was badly wasted. They might be used to unlock something good one day but that's unlikely and I really hate gambling/speculating on the future and only recently and very reluctantly started limited targeted speculation. In fact, this entire Padme adventure is already pushing my limits on speculation (I'm only getting her because of what she might be used to unlock) and I'm thus very reluctant to spend more than necessary on it.
2. There are absolutely NOT enough zetas from challenges and events without also buying them with fleet currency. Of course, how many zetas are enough and what "getting by" means is highly subjective, which is why differences in values matter.
To me, if I am unable to get first in both arenas almost every single day, I've lost the game and I might as well stop playing. I know that's a very extreme attitude and nobody else I know shares it. As I said, from personal experience, there were many critical times when I just barely had enough zetas to maintain first in arena (usually in the days after a new meta arrives) and that's with me spending all my fleet currency on zetas (at that time).
3. There are major differences in our goals, attittudes, and values with respect to playing this game (and possibly beyond that). You actually said "There's no value disconnect." If that were true then you and I would have the same goals, values, and attitudes with respect to playing this game. But how can that be when you're willing to take months away from this game, which I would never do, when you don't like doing the same thing everyone else is doing and are willing to give up thousands of dollars in crystals for that, or when limited playtime even enters your head as a consideration when it never enters into mine?
My God you're very persistent in not taking a hint. Well this will be my last response to you. Thanks for giving me a headache.- Aaaaaanyway......... I suggest farming Greivous anyway. True, it's a drain on your shard shop tokens, but he's a really good character and you're going to need him anyway. I get why you're reluctant, but I really think he's worth it in the long run and the sooner you get started the sooner you get finished.
Good luck! - First and God — what on earth inspired you two to mutually fixate on each other? Reading that exchange was disturbing (albeit a bit fascinating at first).
So, allow me to offer a dissenting opinion on 7* Padme without GG. I have STRONG G12+ bugs, Ventress at G12 with rampage, even got B2 to a high G11. I threw arena mods on them. I tweaked. I fought countless times throughout the event — probably to the tune of over twenty hours of gameplay.
The highest I could get was 6*. This was maddening, as I dropped about $115 on various panic-packs to get her to 7* only to get sent home with a free toaster.
Not spending shard store currency to get Grievous — good luck with that. I hope you enjoy having him when you’re 90. Just like a farm for Wampa or Hoda, you make a sacrifice to get the toons you need.
After gloriously whiffing on Padme, I became hyper-focused on being ready the next cycle. Grievous is 7*/nearly G12 with the leadership Zeta (mistake on my part, I’ll get the unique on). Nute was already 7*, but now has his Zeta with gear rising. B2 is at G12 and Magna will likely be next. We’ll see if that motley crew with Ventress can get the job done next time. "Pulsehammer;c-1882022" wrote:
First and God — what on earth inspired you two to mutually fixate on each other? Reading that exchange was disturbing (albeit a bit fascinating at first).
So, allow me to offer a dissenting opinion on 7* Padme without GG. I have STRONG G12+ bugs, Ventress at G12 with rampage, even got B2 to a high G11. I threw arena mods on them. I tweaked. I fought countless times throughout the event — probably to the tune of over twenty hours of gameplay.
The highest I could get was 6*. This was maddening, as I dropped about $115 on various panic-packs to get her to 7* only to get sent home with a free toaster.
Not spending shard store currency to get Grievous — good luck with that. I hope you enjoy having him when you’re 90. Just like a farm for Wampa or Hoda, you make a sacrifice to get the toons you need.
After gloriously whiffing on Padme, I became hyper-focused on being ready the next cycle. Grievous is 7*/nearly G12 with the leadership Zeta (mistake on my part, I’ll get the unique on). Nute was already 7*, but now has his Zeta with gear rising. B2 is at G12 and Magna will likely be next. We’ll see if that motley crew with Ventress can get the job done next time.
Um. He fixated on me. I told him I wasn't addressing him and he shouldn't respond to me numerous times yet he persisted relentlessly as though I was the one not getting it."Pulsehammer;c-1882022" wrote:
First and God — what on earth inspired you two to mutually fixate on each other? Reading that exchange was disturbing (albeit a bit fascinating at first).
So, allow me to offer a dissenting opinion on 7* Padme without GG. I have STRONG G12+ bugs, Ventress at G12 with rampage, even got B2 to a high G11. I threw arena mods on them. I tweaked. I fought countless times throughout the event — probably to the tune of over twenty hours of gameplay.
The highest I could get was 6*. This was maddening, as I dropped about $115 on various panic-packs to get her to 7* only to get sent home with a free toaster.
Not spending shard store currency to get Grievous — good luck with that. I hope you enjoy having him when you’re 90. Just like a farm for Wampa or Hoda, you make a sacrifice to get the toons you need.
After gloriously whiffing on Padme, I became hyper-focused on being ready the next cycle. Grievous is 7*/nearly G12 with the leadership Zeta (mistake on my part, I’ll get the unique on). Nute was already 7*, but now has his Zeta with gear rising. B2 is at G12 and Magna will likely be next. We’ll see if that motley crew with Ventress can get the job done next time.
You shouldn't forget about Dooku, he brings his anti GR kit."MightyWizard;c-1882183" wrote:
You shouldn't forget about Dooku, he brings his anti GR kit.
I still wouldn't use him in this event. Whether he can hit past protection or not, he still will generate a lot of protection up that can't be dispelled making it harder for the rest of your team to do anything."Woodroward;c-1882188" wrote:
"MightyWizard;c-1882183" wrote:
You shouldn't forget about Dooku, he brings his anti GR kit.
I still wouldn't use him in this event. Whether he can hit past protection or not, he still will generate a lot of protection up that can't be dispelled making it harder for the rest of your team to do anything.
No that was an issue before he got his rework, an people unlocked padme with Dooku on the team even then. I don't think protection up will be an issue, not when his kit is like it is now. We'll see once the event returns I guess I will be using him.- This thread sidetracked, so I'll get back on topic here...
Would this team be able to do it, and which leader ability should be used?
G12zzAsajj, G12zGG, G12Dooku, G11 Nute, G8 B2 (working on gearing B2 before the event rolls around).
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