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- MasterSeedy6 years agoSeasoned Ace@TheUnchosenOne
Read the thread: the point is to develop a squad that does NOT include Grievous and where all the toons are able to be rush-farmed.
The optimal team isn't optimal if it doesn't yet exist when the event returns. - Schwartzring6 years agoSeasoned AceSimilar situation, I was planning ahead for when I farm for Padme.
Would Dooku, Droideka (No Zeta), B2 Superdroid, & Poggle be a workable 4 to start with?
Would IG100 be a good 5th?
Or how about Nute? - MasterSeedy6 years agoSeasoned Ace@TheUnchosenOne
IG-100 is a no.
Check out my guide on page2. It's not a guide to the optimal teams, it's a guide to the best team you can get in a short period of time.
Nute is probably going to be the best leader for the Padme event (he wasn't last time, but he got reworked after the first Padme event).
Dooku is usable, but not ideal. The ability to bypass protection helps. The ability to inflict shock to prevent a toon from gaining buffs helps. But you'll have to load him with speed and hope that his first use of force lightning lands Shock on the right characters ...
...because of this, Dooku is one of those characters that is only a real asset when he RNG comes together ... which means a lot of restarts. It doesn't mean you fail, it just means you take a long time to get it done.
in any case, go check out my guide on p2. "MasterSeedy;c-1892805" wrote:
You said:The fact that people have managed without gg doesn't mean he isn't really necessary.
First - you're wrong. That's exactly what it means. If you can do it without him, he isn't necessary. He's just very helpful.
Then you said:I never said necessary.
That's exactly what you said. There's the word. Spelled the same. "doesn't mean he isn't" = "does mean he is".
You're not only wrong that he's necessary. You're wrong that you never said "necessary". You did. Is there a reason people should be taking your advice when you don't even know what you said earlier in the same thread?
Thank you! Not only that, but much earlier in the thread he actually said:"Woodroward;c-1874064" wrote:
The 3 characters that are basically required to win are GG, Asaji, and B2.
Basically required = necessary. He even had me fooled/confused into forgetting about that. He was the one who started calling Grievous required/necessary."MasterSeedy;c-1892805" wrote:
People are forgetting that we've had reworks since the first Padme event. This is what you should farm..
My best guess for a #5 for you is Jango Fett, but I didn't check your inventory to see where you were on that farm.
Great guide, thanks! I don't have that many Jango shards and I'm not sure he's a Separatist yet. Based on your advice, I'm definitely going to rush farm Geo Spy and not get Dooku. I'm about 50% done with Droideka shards - will be tight but I can accelerate it with 2 refreshes a day instead of 1. Or even 3. And thanks for confirming Nute will be a good leader.
So my current planned team is Nute (Lead), B2, Droideka, Geo Spy, Ventress."MasterSeedy;c-1892951" wrote:
Read the thread: the point is to develop a squad that does NOT include Grievous and where all the toons are able to be rush-farmed.
The optimal team isn't optimal if it doesn't yet exist when the event returns.
Exactly. Finally someone who gets it. I would love to get Grievous in time for the event but it's almost certain I won't get him in time, or if I go all out with shard store, I might get lucky and barely get Grievous but I'll be doing the event with G7/G8 Grievous and 2 other G7/G8's. Somehow, I don't think that's better than the full G11/G12 team I have planned above.- MasterSeedy6 years agoSeasoned Ace@Letareus
I don't have that many Jango shards and I'm not sure he's a Separatist yet
He's not a Separatist yet. Focussing on him to the exclusion of toons known to be separatists would be a bad move, but I do expect him to be a Sep before the event returns. (It's a guess, but it's my guess and I like it. They added Sep and Sith to Ventress, so it's the kind of thing that they do. Then there's the fact that he's in the Geo DS TB trailer that they released - as others have already pointed out.)
However, I was just trying to say that you might already have another toon that would be good for the event by the time it returns. Since he doesn't have the Sep tag yet, you might not have looked at him as a possibility and - if you happened to have a well developed Jango - be pleasantly surprised to find later that you have another good Separatist toon you hadn't anticipated would be event eligible.
As it turns out, you now tell me that you "don't have that many Jango shards". That kills Jango pretty effectively. He's definitely a slow farm, and not one that I would put on any "rush" list given he's got a single hard current planned team is Nute (Lead), B2, Droideka, Geo Spy, Ventress.
I hope that works for you. It's all good characters under a good lead. B2 is particularly important for buff immunity preventing endless protection increases (along with the Tenacity UP which comes with Padme's Protection UP), and Padme's squad is speed boosted all to heck, which makes Droideka fifty times more effective against them. Nute will get them skipping turns to dispel their own buffs, Ventress adds more damage the more their healer revives people. Geo Spy is great for attacking the toons that do manage to get a few buffs up (ironically, if B2 is doing its job, Geo Spy will get less bonus damage).
There's not a lot of synergy other than that, of course, and like the Geo Spy/B2 thing your characters' conflicts are sometimes even in conflict, but that can't be helped with rush farms. I think you'll be successful and this is a good plan. This def sounds like a "good enough" group, given your gear targets and Nute's and Ventress's zetas.
Good luck with everything. "MasterSeedy;c-1892805" wrote:
You said:The fact that people have managed without gg doesn't mean he isn't really necessary.
First - you're wrong. That's exactly what it means. If you can do it without him, he isn't necessary. He's just very helpful.
Then you said:I never said necessary.
That's exactly what you said. There's the word. Spelled the same. "doesn't mean he isn't" = "does mean he is".
You're not only wrong that he's necessary. You're wrong that you never said "necessary". You did. Is there a reason people should be taking your advice when you don't even know what you said earlier in the same thread?
@ Everyone:
People are forgetting that we've had reworks since the first Padme event. This is what you should farm, if you're in a rush:Nute (+ zeta) should be very, very effective against Padme, both in her event and generally in the game. Nute is also an easy farm. Zeta Nute is also intended to be necessary in Geo TB, so long term, this is definitely not a wasted zeta. Whether or not it's a zeta you want to prioritize right now (if you have other things you want to use a zeta on), that's up to you. But it's a good move overall, and if you're rushing to get 7* Padme there's no reason not to prioritize this zeta.
Ventress is very effective in the event, for dispel and for TM jumping as people die and get resurrected.
Geo Spy does massive extra damage while dispelling buffs (similar to Boba's execute, though without preventing revive).
B2 prevents the endless bonus protection from accruing in the first place with his Buff Immunity.
Those 4 toons should be mandatory for someone who doesn't have separatists now and needs rush farms. Other toons might take too long to reach 7*.
Candidates for 5th toon include (in alphabetical order):Dooku: If you pick Dooku, you have to put stack speed on him and put shock on Padme right away so she can't gain bonus protection. Because of his out-of-turn attacks, he's not a great choice, but with a lot of speed and potency and some good luck landing shock at the beginning of a battle, he can be a solid piece of a winning team. Just be prepared for multiple restarts to get shock on Padme before her protection/tenacity train gets going.
Geo Soldier: Not a good kit for this event. He just doesn't hit hard enough on basic, and his special is an assist call. However, if you need a 5th toon, he's an easy farm and you probably have him already.
Jango: Jango isn't necessarily an easy farm, but he's a very good toon and when you said you didn't have separatists, please pay attention to the fact that Jango isn't a separatist right now, but that tag is being added to his kit in the next couple of weeks - long before the Padme event comes back.
Poggle: Not a difficult farm, and you might have him already anyway. He's not a great toon, but he makes the other separatists better without counter-attacking or calling assists.
Difficult toons to panic farm that are useful for the event, but only if you've already farmed them most of the way:General Grievous
Toons to avoid:IG-100
Sun Fac
Obviously some people have made it through he event with counterattackers like Dooku & Sun Fac, but they do make it more difficult. If you absolutely have to have one of these last two, Sun Fac is much better because of the dispel.
As a last note, I'm not sure about B-1. I think that you should avoid him. he's been useful to some people, but as I understand it, he's only useful under a General Grievous lead, which you won't have.
My best guess for a #5 for you is Jango Fett, but I didn't check your inventory to see where you were on that farm.
Removing the qualifying adjective doesn't change the meaning to that of the base word. He is the one who said necessary. I responded to him saying really necessary. This isn't the same as necessary. Yeah being able to do it in a million attempts without him means he isn't necessary. But in a more practical sense, he may as well be. It's the same thing with saying basically required.
Neither one of those statements says he can't be gotten without him, just that it's unlikely. I have corrected this misinterpretation of my words over and over. Saying that's not how it seems to you is just purposefully prolonging an argument by forcing your own understandings of words onto my words. That is a ridiculous way to approach anything. Just take my clarifications of mistaken definitions at face value and it will be fine. To argue against it further is to be the one pursuing a fallacy as I have clearly stated what was meant by my words.
TLDR: Doesn't matter what my words mean to you, matters only what is meant by my words and everything I stated was true and correct in this thread as long as people don't egotistically force their own understandings onto what I have stated.- Schwartzring6 years agoSeasoned Ace
"MasterSeedy;c-1893057" wrote:
Check out my guide on page2. It's not a guide to the optimal teams, it's a guide to the best team you can get in a short period of time.
Nute is probably going to be the best leader for the Padme event (he wasn't last time, but he got reworked after the first Padme event).
Dooku is usable, but not ideal. The ability to bypass protection helps. The ability to inflict shock to prevent a toon from gaining buffs helps. But you'll have to load him with speed and hope that his first use of force lightning lands Shock on the right characters ...
in any case, go check out my guide on p2.
Thanks, I missed it when perusing the thread.
Excellent stuff.
And other than Geo Spy, all of them were on my list of possible farms in the future.
I like the part about Jango getting a new tag added.
I see his node as mandatory at some point so it would be great if I could use him. - Anyone who says Dooku won't be good for the event either hasn't tried him out after the rework, or even read his kit. Dooku is now the ultimate GR killer. Padme can take her bonus protection and stick it up her ass. It won't matter.
"MightyWizard;c-1894797" wrote:
Anyone who says Dooku won't be good for the event either hasn't tried him out after the rework, or even read his kit. Dooku is now the ultimate GR killer. Padme can take her bonus protection and stick it up her ****. It won't matter.
Anyone who thinks continuous indispellable bonus protection won't make the event harder isn't using common sense. Since its how his presence will limit the others on the team that will make it harder.
Who cares how good Dooku himself is if he makes it harder on everyone else? ESPECIALLY if it turns out that ibp is supposed to prevent debuffs too. Wouldn't touch him with a 10 ft pole then."Woodroward;c-1894362" wrote:
Removing the qualifying adjective doesn't change the meaning to that of the base word. He is the one who said necessary. I responded to him saying really necessary. This isn't the same as necessary. Yeah being able to do it in a million attempts without him means he isn't necessary. But in a more practical sense, he may as well be. It's the same thing with saying basically required.
So misleading here. I responded to his "basically required" with "unnecessary" with the intention of speaking in the same vein. Maybe I should have said "basically unnecessary," but...seriously?
Necessary is the same as required, it's a difference without a distinction, and he was the one who first started referring to Grievous in that manner, whether hedging with a qualifier or not. While it's technically true that I was the first one to use the word "necessary," that was only in response to Woodroward using the synonymous term "required." His post 6/1/19 1:22PM:"Woodroward;c-1874064" wrote:
The 3 characters that are basically required to win are GG, Asaji, and B2.
My first use of the word necessary was days later on 6/4/19 at 10:02PM, in the form of "unnecessary." It was intended to be in the same vein as he first mentioned, since I was replying to his argument even though I should probably have put a different quote above my response. My point was that Grievous is neither required nor basically required to 7 star Padme. He's wrong on both counts. Or he was trying to weasel his way out with semantics.
Let me make it clear now: Grievous is not required to 7 star Padme, nor does not having him make it unlikely you'll succeed in doing so.
It may be true that I didn't address this directly enough; we may have been distracted with too many other things. It didn't take a million attempts to 7* Padme without Grievous even the last time around. That's a gross exaggeration. And an exaggeration is a form of lying. There's no such thing as truthful hyperbole. It might depend on how good your mods are, though. Next time around, it'll be even less true that Grievous is "basically required" with all the reworks. But Woodroward is busy fighting the last war.
It may take many attempts to 7* Padme without Grievous; it may take several hours. But it doesn't take perfect RNG that takes a million attempts. It's not unlikely. In the following thread alone, seven unique players clearly succeeded in 7 starring Padme without Grievous (several more may have but did not make it clear so I didn't count them):
Their usernames are: Arobot19900, usArmyJedi, Neo2551, Worst_Idea_Ever, IgorconQueso, nivbp7, and HermitProfOak. In addition to that, InRevanWeTrust on this thread (page 1) also did it without Grievous. That's at least 8 separate individuals who managed to 7* Padme last time around in just 2 threads, and we should all know that the overwhelming majority of players neither read nor post on forums. 8 separate people on only 2 threads did it without Grievous last time, and next time will be even easier with reworks. Yes, it's soooooo unlikely (sarcasm)."Woodroward;c-1894362" wrote:
TLDR: Doesn't matter what my words mean to you, matters only what is meant by my words and everything I stated was true and correct in this thread as long as people don't egotistically force their own understandings onto what I have stated.
First, some of the things he has stated as facts on this thread can be neither true nor false because they are either opinions and/or depend on subjective value judgements (e.g., his argument that one should farm everything in the fleet store to 7* before getting a single zeta mat from there). Those aside, many of the things he has stated are objectively false and have been proven as such yet he continues to insist they are true by smoothly brushing aside details and specifics with broad generalizations (and ignoring refutations).
The main one is his insistence that getting 7* Padme without Grievous is unlikely as stated above. Another one was his statement that there is no value disconnect between him and I, which could not be more obviously false - if he disputes this I can write several paragraphs of examples of obvious value disconnects but this post is long enough already.
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