Forum Discussion

abc165039318's avatar
9 years ago

When RG becomes worth it ?

Good morning lads,

I've just finished my homework on the Rey grinding ! And my team has just reached her maximum level :
Phasma / Sidious / Lumi / Rey / Daka

SO ! Here is my question ! My next goal was to farm RG in order to replace Lumi (Because I find her useless in my current comp) and some tank could protect my Rey and could synergize perfectly with the rest of my team ! But here is the thing, my RG is only 3*.

When can I start using him and replace Lumi in my squad for ARENA ? (I'm around #100) - Can't seem to stay longer than a few hours in the 50/60# places).

thank you all for your answers !
  • "Toukai;394280" wrote:

    Swap out GS only when he can out damage her (which should be around 5-6*) and g7-8.

    Same with QGJ. QGJ doesn't need to be lead since he would be one of your only jedi. He is there strictly to purge taunts, and so you actually would want him to move AFTER a tank has already taunted.

    Which one first then ? Right Now i'm farming Dooku, cause i'm like at 100/185 so Should I continue or change to GS and farm that guy ? Just have the champ right now 3* or 4* don't remember

    All right, you convinced me. I'll change Sid to RG !