Forum Discussion

Real_Reyne's avatar
10 years ago

Who after Lumi from GW?

Hey there, I will soon be done with Lumi at 7 stars and wondering kinda who I should go for after.

ATM I'm using:
Lumi 6 stars as leader
Sid 5 stars
JC 5 stars
Poe 5 stars later today
Jawa 4 stars

I'm aiming at trying to replace Jawa, I was thinking about going for Phasma and put her as leader. But Im not sure. Kinda thinking I might have to low DPS then. I have been thinking about IG-86 aswell.

Any input would be nice, Thanks!

7 Replies

  • I've been bouncing between Lumi and Phasma. Phasma is excellent on my PVP team atm.
  • Not going for a Droid team at this moment, which would although be nice. But that would just take to long atm, maybe in the near future.

    I was thinking a bit on poggle aswell, but isn't he a bit worse if not in a droid team? Phasma seems she would offer more for the team comp I have.
  • Phasma is great if you don't already have an established powerhouse team. Poogle is more for people who have full 7* dps toons.
  • "Lorenzo;35336" wrote:
    Poogle is great and not just for a droid team, BUT if you're going with Poe you don't really have room for Poogle as well IMO.

    Plenty of droid teams with Poggle/Lobot/IG-86/IG-88/HK-47. No reason why Poe doesn't work with Poggle on a non-droid team.

    I'm running Poe/Poggle/Sid/Lumi/Luke at the moment and doing fine. I think replacing Luke with IG-88 and potentially Lumi with IG-86 might work better so it'll end up being a partial droid team (Daka might end up being a better replacement than IG-86). An AOE team attacking it rips it apart imho but not a lot of AOE teams at the top of my ladder. Basically if they can't kill IG-88 he'll hit with 50% offense up and 4-5 members of the other team suffering a bad status effect.

    That's reasonably effective.

  • Good post and feedback guys! :)

    Currently my lumi is 80 shards away from 7*, so I was looking for another sinkhole for my GW shipments. Phasma it is then

    Are you able to beat the GW on a daily basis?
  • "Chewie_says_Aaarww;36740" wrote:
    Good post and feedback guys! :)

    Currently my lumi is 80 shards away from 7*, so I was looking for another sinkhole for my GW shipments. Phasma it is then

    Are you able to beat the GW on a daily basis?

    Yeah most of the cases I can. Looking forward to use Phasma though :)