Forum Discussion

tjblum89's avatar
9 years ago

Who to focus on?

I'm trying to bring up my A and B squads up to lvl 70+ (C & D can stay at 65), have a deep enough roster where GW and Challenges are a breeze. But I don't want to wear myself to thin as it were. Who should I put on the back burner, and who should I start focusing on?

Currently Farming-
GW- Magma Trooper
Arena-Eoth Koth (15/50)
Hard Nodes - Rey (70/80) and Ahsoka(14/65)
Cantina Nodes - JC (52/65)
Cantina Shipments - Ahsoka.

I'm trying to get the Jedi I want to 5* for the Yoda event, I currently have Old Ben at 4* so should her replace Koth and open up the Arena Shipment farm? Or leave him and focus on trying to unlock Barriss in time?

Other than that who do you feel deserves the attention Gear/Credit wise?

Edit: My Royal Guard and Poe are so far behind that they're on the back back burner as of right now.
  • Yea I might focus Daka if anything just for DS battles, barely squeezed through level 7, and don't have a prayer of beating the Hard nodes.
  • It seems all the Toons I really want come from Cantina shipments lol
  • "Darth_Jay77;291359" wrote:
    Daka may not be top-tier but she is an excellent component to the Dooku comps you see. You have to kill her or anybody you kill (if you don't get dodged out of the match) will just get rez'd. While you're trying to kill her your not killing their DPS that is now killing you. Daka is a good character and quite useful in DS battles.

    Daka dies in 2 turns - QGJ and GS, plus with QG lead, Lum finishes her off. Not sure how she does with AI since that may target others instead.
  • I hit #1 a lot and I use Daka. The AI focuses on her early and she just enough hp to stay alive. That pops off my RG and the rest of my team goes to work. The best is Dooks tries to stun her and not my QGJ.
  • I was thinking an Ugnaught lead with Nute, Ackbar, Clone Sergeant, and Mob enforcer.