Forum Discussion

Zicasius's avatar
9 years ago

Worth farming grievous?


Would farming GG be worth it to fit him into my arena team?

Currently running:
HK-47 (L)

Finishing top 30 daily with this team and GG's synergies look really good. But it would take months to get him since i'm f2p. What do you guys suggest?
  • "opu120;362217" wrote:
    @HeavyHitter72 Thanks for the insight. I was under the impression that at 7*, geared up, GG's basic was the best in the game and his AOE third-best. My source: Is that not your experience?

    I figured since JE will always act first with 183 speed (one exception: PL with AA(L), but then she will stealth first anyway), boosting TM 45% before other team has a chance to go, then when CP rolls around hitting up her +50% TM/75% speed down specials, speed would be less relevant. Am I missing something?

    You are making some big assumptions about how the game will play out. Yes GG's basic is pretty hard hitting. Like 3.5-4k. His AOE is decent, like 2k. This is all very very weak when you factor in his speed. My Rey hits for over 10k on her specials and has 143 speed.. Even with Jawa Engineer letting him move, he still doesn't do enough to change the tide of battle with his damage, nor his specials, he doesn't have enough potency to consistently land them. Don't farm grievous if you want him to be a useful addition to your arena squad.. You will be sorely dissapointed. Farm grievous because he's cool as shit, and for the trophy that he is
  • "Mazurka;362294" wrote:
    Don't farm grievous if you want him to be a useful addition to your arena squad.. You will be sorely dissapointed. Farm grievous because he's cool as shit, and for the trophy that he is



  • "opu120;362083" wrote:
    @Reddstorm If that squad had a maxed RG instead of one of the droids, do you think GG would have been more dangerous? If RG had enabled him to last longer (even as the last toon standing), would that have made much difference? How about JE giving him extra TM/heal and/or CP letting him add some bonus basics?

    I'm thinking of working toward a CP(L), GG, 86, Jawa, JE, RG team but am conflicted whether even with RG and JE it's worth the long grind to 7* GG. My logic is that with big TM manipulation from CP and JE, and RG to auto-taunt when my three glass cannons get low, it might work. Curious to hear your take on this. Thanks for the tip!

    "opu120;362083" wrote:
    @Reddstorm If that squad had a maxed RG instead of one of the droids, do you think GG would have been more dangerous? If RG had enabled him to last longer (even as the last toon standing), would that have made much difference? How about JE giving him extra TM/heal and/or CP letting him add some bonus basics?

    I'm thinking of working toward a CP(L), GG, 86, Jawa, JE, RG team but am conflicted whether even with RG and JE it's worth the long grind to 7* GG. My logic is that with big TM manipulation from CP and JE, and RG to auto-taunt when my three glass cannons get low, it might work. Curious to hear your take on this. Thanks for the tip!

    Yes, rg would make things more difficult but I mean so does Poe (I avoid droid teams with Poe) I saved gg for last and he hit me with his basic I think twice and only one of those scared me (could have been a crit). As the above ppl said, I'd only farm him as a trophy toon. He is a hell of a trophy though.

    It's hard to speculate about je in this group as I've not seen him in action.
  • gg is a unique char you can think about new synergy without droid team.
    i use GG with ig100, luminara, old ben (leader) , and rey its totally work againts dps team.
    in future maybe i try with fives, daka, and asajj ( leader )

    the point is :
    1. your team is very slow but your enemy can be really slow ! GG and ig 100 have a skill to turn meter reduced.
    2. GG unique skill is random ally to taunt so if the gg is a target and random taunt activated use luminara to heal and you have 2 random ally taunt in one battle.
    3. old ben and ig 100 have a large health point so if GG choice one of two is your advantage again. ( old ben have a unique skill too if he defeated )
    4. make your enemy suffer with rey

    so this is my opinion about GG team maybe you can use daka and assajj for stun chance