Forum Discussion

jaychandarana97's avatar
8 years ago

Zeta Kylo Ren?

Hi guys
I run a FO squad in arena, currently sitting around 40 due to overnight drop (bad on defence)
The team is all gear 10, excluding fost who is gear 9 with one piece to obtain, all 7*
Phasma is zeta'd
Now the next question is who to Zeta next? From a purely fun POV it seems like kylos outrage is a really fun Zeta, and could be useful in arena/raid/gw... but in terms of the team it doesnt seem to help much? Meanwhile Zeta-ing fotp would increase their survivability and fost increases the teams survivability? Any help would be appreciated :)
  • Dude, go zylo. Super fun, hits like a monster now and with Phasma zeta'd, he'll be even harder to kill.

    Plus, he's a ton of fun in p1 HAAT. I did 500k with him alone with bad RNG, lol! My guildmate did close to a million. It's silly.
  • "Tigzie;957676" wrote:
    Don't Zeta purely for HAAT. It'll be fixed then you'll be one of the forum whiners that'll go "I didn't know he'd get a fix WAAAAAAAAAAAA" can't wait for those fools

    You do what you want to do, heck even if you want to Zeta chewbacca go for it lol

    Agreed. If you're doing it for HAAT, don't. They'll fix it for sure.

    But he's still super fun to play after being useless for so long, kind of like Boba.

  • Guild hasn't even attempted haat yet, have quite a few low ranks that can't cut it yet :/ I'm pretty sure I'm gonna stick with my FO for arena, got a sith team as well but FO just seem to be more fun?
  • "Tigzie;957676" wrote:
    Don't Zeta purely for HAAT. It'll be fixed then you'll be one of the forum whiners that'll go "I didn't know he'd get a fix WAAAAAAAAAAAA" can't wait for those fools

    You do what you want to do, heck even if you want to Zeta chewbacca go for it lol

    Ahahaha he defo gonna get fixed but idm that
  • Won't be fixed.

    I think I get about 5-6 retreats before the rest of the guild have P1 cleared.

    When down to about 2/3 retreats will be better running a team that can do 400k.

    ZKylo is a beast and can be added to other teams because the zeta is on his unique.

    Team of heavy single-target damage dealers? (Wiggs). Zylo will solo them, they barely put a dent into his protection/HP.
  • "Shaunyvee;958894" wrote:
    Won't be fixed.

    I think I get about 5-6 retreats before the rest of the guild have P1 cleared.

    When down to about 2/3 retreats will be better running a team that can do 400k.

    ZKylo is a beast and can be added to other teams because the zeta is on his unique.

    Team of heavy single-target damage dealers? (Wiggs). Zylo will solo them, they barely put a dent into his protection/HP.

    Yeahhh I get you aha but there aren't many wiggs teams left on my shard, I'm quite happy when I see them now
    Main problems are maul dodge teams, the anti crit stealth and speed really screw over my FO team
  • To echo what others have said, he's great. I've taken our 4 characters with Zylo and bad RNG in arena.

    I just did 1.96 million damage in P1 HAAT with Zylo.