7 years ago
Zetas, zetas, zetas..
Why are There so very little limited places to collect zetas?? I find that once you win marqee or legendary events, you are no longer able to collect any more zetas. This should be re-watch worked WHETE you can still collect rewards AND zeta material.
As it is, it takes more than a month just to collect enough zetas for ONE CHARACTER!!
there needs to be more places to collect these materials for EVERYONE!
Please make some changes to how THESE are collected. lots of people are leaving the game because they can't collect enough zetas to be competitive..
Let me know how you intend to rectivify This imbalance in the game. Thank you.
As it is, it takes more than a month just to collect enough zetas for ONE CHARACTER!!
there needs to be more places to collect these materials for EVERYONE!
Please make some changes to how THESE are collected. lots of people are leaving the game because they can't collect enough zetas to be competitive..
Let me know how you intend to rectivify This imbalance in the game. Thank you.