Bad Batch and Rogue One (1) Lightspeed Webstore Issue
Player ID: p9eaNIjyT8SSZD1K691AxA
Ally Code: 714-555-462
I purchased the Bad Batch and Rogue One (1) Lightspeed Bundles on the webstore on 3/20 and was charged, but did not receive the contents. At the same time I purchased the Rogue One (2) Lightspeed Bundle and received that. I've seen other users receive apology crystals but I didn't receive any. The store items do not show up for me, and even my guildmates have confirmed that I'm unable to be gifted the bundles, though you can see looking at my roster that I do not have fully relic'd Bad Batch characters, and my Rogue One (1) bundle characters are below Relic 5.
Best case scenario I'd of course like to be provided with the bundle contents. I'd also be fine with a refund and the ability to purchase again, and this time I'd go through a different storefront. Worst case scenario, I could also be okay with crystals as an apology and the ability to rebuy them but I'd much rather just have the purchase complete.
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