Forum Discussion

crawffles's avatar
3 years ago

Bug Report - Missing CAT Shards - Proving Grounds

Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Platform:Apple iPhone
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? 12 Pro
OS Version 15.6.1
Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 649-147-532
What type of issue do you have? Missing Rewards
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Summarize your bug After beating the Commander Ashoka Tano Proving Grounds event on 08/23/22, it said I received 20 CAT shards; however I never received those 20 shard awards. I had 175 CAT shards before beating the event and I still have 175 total CAT shards.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? After beating the Commander Ashoka Tano Proving Grounds event, it said I received 20 CAT shards; however I never received those awards. I had 175 CAT shards before beating the event and I still have 175 total CAT shards
Connection Type Wifi
Please select your region North America
Country USA

Big report 

After beating the Commander Ashoka Tano Proving Grounds event on 08/23/22, it said I received 20 CAT shards; however I never received those 20 shard awards. I had 175 CAT shards before beating the event and I still have 175 total CAT shards. I spent the last 5 days going back and forth w the in game help chat where they kept asking the same repeat questions that I answered multiple times and finally someone today gave me this link to submit the bug

  • I checked your account history and you got 20 Commander Ahsoka Tano on 8/23/2022, 09:13:16pm GMT.

4 Replies

  • I checked your account history and you got 20 Commander Ahsoka Tano on 8/23/2022, 09:13:16pm GMT.

  • @EA_Gunner I had 175 CAT shards before doing the event. I beat the event and it said I was awarded 175 CAT shards. That would mean I should have 195 CAT shards. I do not have 195 cat shards. I still have 175 CAT shards. I never received the 20 CAT shards that it said I won for beating the event
  • Edit: * said I was awarded 20 shards. That should have brought my total to 195 shards. I still only have the 175 shards. I never actually received the 20 shards it said I won 

  • EA_Gunner's avatar
    Icon for EA QV Team rankEA QV Team
    3 years ago

    Based on the logs available to us, we can see you had 155 shards before you got 20 CAT shards on 8/23.