11 months ago
Change date of birth
I set the wrong date of birth in the game. It is possible to change it?
- @MDL_Knight change your phones language to english. restart the game and try again... should bring up a live support chat
I set the wrong date of birth in the game. It is possible to change it?
Dont worry brother, your not the only one that has this problem.
Can i change date of birth right now?? January 10, 2007 that's right date of birth check please he already changing today!!!!!!!!!! Incorrectly the date of birth is February what huh?? That's wrong information on ea nation settings date of birth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps you misunderstood a little bit. I meant that the Help button just takes me to ea.help, where I can only see the help topics. How can I contact anyone there?
Try selecting a different case category. If you still can't submit, open our page in an incognito tab.
I tried to do this. But it just redirects me to the site ea.help.com. I don't know how to contact someone this way
Hi there,
We have no way of changing the date of birth on an account in SWGoH here on the forums, but please reach out to our support team so we can check available options.