Forum Discussion
8 Replies
- gij4ptaf929w7 months agoRising Rookie
I've been playing the raid for the last hour. Impossible to get to wave 2 with Maul, Sidious, B2, STAP, Magnaguard.
No matter which leader I choose (B2, Sidious, Maul), no matter the order of the attacks, the victory screen always pops at the end of first wave.
For the sake of God, please CG_Meathead just fix the raid, you and your team. Please. Really please. We are just disgusted to have upgraded toons for this raid, just to see that it is just un playable.
Thanks. - lordzhedd7 months agoNew Veteran
I suspect if they knew why, it would already be fixed.
I share your frustration. This is 100% holding my guild back from a higher score because people get frustrated and give up - they end up posting a score that is a fraction of what their roster would otherwise support because they don't want to waste their time on this. I don't blame them - I can't even be mad at people for it. We are essentially not tracking raid participation because of this. - bnxlru7 months agoRising Scout
Yes this still happens to me. I noticed it only seems to happen when I’m using my tablet (old), but not what I use my phone (much newer).
- jedilord17 months agoRising Ace
same phone, same game, same everything... here the runs with early victory bug: as you can see if the early victory bug occurs everytime the shildgenerator is showing up as a 5th toon:
can´t insert pictures here, bad forum :shrug:
use this link instead:
or this link: phone, same game, same everything... this is the same squad without the early victory bug, and everytime the shildgenerator isn´t showing up as the 5th toon:
can´t insert pictures here, bad forum :shrug:
use this link instead:
or this link:
so because nothing has changed, either hardware or software... absolutely nothing, the only explanation is a faulty code which ends often in the early victory bug... what circumstances your code needs to end the raid attempt in the early victory bug has to found on your side, not on the gamer side... it not only happens with gungans, it happens also with other squads regardless if the squad is undersized or notif you can´t find the bug: stop the raid and bring back the rewards to the speederbike and refund all the gear player payed for the new raidtoons, so they can put the gear at least on TB toons to get better TB rewards, because better gear on raidtoons doesnt give rewards at all (if you dont want to restart 10times or more with the same squad on the same phone to maybe not get an early victory bug at the 11th attempt)
- Espertoma7 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
I tried using Maul with Sidious, and 3 times in a row I got early victory. I can't even play the raid, at this point....
- nottenst7 months agoSeasoned Ace
This really is getting old. Did a Sith/Sep squad and got victory after 2nd wave then 3rd wave.
- gij4ptaf929w7 months agoRising Rookie
And another update in which the bug has not been fixed...
CG_MeatheadWhen will you and your team give us an update about your progress on fixing this bug? Or do you plan to fix it at all?
All the solutions have been given to you: lead droid dying from a dot => victory screen ; separatist team Maul / Sidious / STAP => victory screen after 1st or 2nd wave 99% of the time. - nytro23377 months agoRising Newcomer
I have this bug since they start Naboo Raid...7 years , put some money, lack of respect to not fix that now...looks like everything allright...this bug affect guild, players and quality of life
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