Error 9 - claim mods in inbox
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Platform:Apple iPhone
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? iPhone 13 Pro Max
OS Version iOS16
Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 857-234-257
What type of issue do you have? Missing Rewards
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Summarize your bug Kept getting error 9 messages while trying to claim mods in my inbox. I have tried contacting the help / support desk, but they’re not doing anything about it
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Earn mods and have them in your inbox and replicate the error 9 bug, making sure that you cannot do any of the mods challenge, this also did not allow you to claim mods in your inbox and gave the error 9 messages and force restart
Connection Type Wifi
Please select your region North America
Country USA
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Platform:Apple iPhone
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? iPhone 13 Pro Max
OS Version iOS16
Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 857-234-257
What type of issue do you have? Missing Rewards
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Summarize your bug Kept getting error 9 messages while trying to claim mods in my inbox. I have tried contacting the help / support desk, but they’re not doing anything about it
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Earn mods and have them in your inbox and replicate the error 9 bug, making sure that you cannot do any of the mods challenge, this also did not allow you to claim mods in your inbox and gave the error 9 messages and force restart
Connection Type Wifi
Please select your region North America
Country USA
I’m at a lost, if anyone has advice on this issue, please let me know. I tried contacting the help/support desk, but they don’t seem to understand or not wanting to help and keep giving me the run around.
My ally code is: 857-234-257
During the time when the error 9 message pop-up when you tried to do the mods challenges, I also could not claim the mods in my inbox and would get the error 9 message and force restart.
I contacted the help desk on Wednesday, Sept 28 about the error, but I didn’t not receive a reply back until Friday, Sept 30 at night stating that the error was “fixed”.
I tried the mod’s challenges and it worked, no issue there, but when I tried to claim the mods in my inbox I would still get the error 9 messages and it force restart. I responded within the hour from their reply. But I did not know the “support team” would be out of office until Monday, I tried to claim the kids every time I logged in and even took screenshots of the error messages and the time until those mods in my inbox would expire.
The mods expired on Saturday and I did not get a response back until the following Monday when the support team is back in office. And I tried explaining to the support team that I tried to claim the mods in my inbox, but I kept getting the error 9 messages, but all they said was it was fixed on Sept 29.
Anyone else getting that got this error 9 message had problem claiming mods in your inbox? And of course the time stamp is different, because the support team is a day ahead? I’m assuming in India somewhere?
I just want those mods back or be compensated for the mods that I couldn’t claim because of that error 9 message. Read the chat below, I’ll post everything. So far, no one from the help / support desk is doing anything and keep giving me the run around or now blaming me? Typical of money greedy companies.
@EA_Gunner wrote:
@WrathofChanI know. we had two issues related to error 9.0.
1. was related to mod challenges and 2. was related to mods that cannot be claimed from the inbox. The first one was fixed last week and the second one was fixed yesterday.
NOTE: my issue HAS NOT been resolved, but i will leave this as the accepted solution per @EA_Gunner , as the studio does not do good-will gestures for lost/missing items because of bug related issues that the studio is fully aware of and has “fixed”.and apparently they will only help a few people to resolve their issues, but not all players with the same issue.
@DarthJobbie - there’s your answer, even though the error 9 was “fixed” yesterday for my specific bug issue that appeared early last week, my mods that were in my inbox that players are only allowed 3 days to claim, I could not claim because of the error 9 bug issue and force restart the game, are forever gone as they have expired, even though it not my fault.
The company does not do any type of good will gestures as to compensate for any lost that are not the players fault, even though they were fully aware of the bug issue at hand and were late at fixing the actually error 9 bug issue.even though, as a player I did my part:
- tried to claim those mods at least once a day even though I get the error 9 messages and was forced restart
- reached out and reported the issue to the support team within the game
- reached out to answer HQ to hopefully get the issue resolved by getting my mods back or compensated for them(nothing has been resolved)
- I even provided screenshots with time stamps of when I reached out and when the mods were close to expiring
- researched the the answer HQ forum and found other players with similar issues (but the company doesn’t care)