Forum Discussion

Paattisten_Esko's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
7 days ago

Fulcrum TW-omicron not working correctly?

Went against palpatine+omi-mara, omi-Juhani, starkiller and visass in TW with my omi-Fulcrum. On the first turn I was able to ignore taunt as stated in the omi-unique ability but the following turns I was stuck behind Juhani's taunt. Palpatine team did not have a datacron.

Bug or am I not understanding something?

  • 4jaymez's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Happened to me with geos was able to kill soldier then could not ignore taunt

  • Thank you for the report. We flagged your report and are investigating

  • Jonesn4sw's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Same here, last 2 battles against Geo's, after first kill, can't avoid taunt. Definitely bugged

  • mhsiegel14's avatar
    Rising Newcomer

    Me four. Incredibly irritating. Lost me the battle. How do we report bugs with the new forum?

  • Posted the same darn thing earlier in the week. I've been consistently beating g12 Poggle omi teams with solo Fulcrum, until recently. All of a sudden, the last 3 TWs or so, she is unable to ignore taunt.