Jabba Cronies Respawning post match?
Hi there,
In the most recent GAC I've been up against a Jabba with a Krrsantan and Boush, pretty standard. However, I intentionally sacrificed a couple teams to eliminate both Krrsantan and Boush to break through.
First match, Starkiller took Boush out but couldn't beat the Datacron Krrsantan/Jabba. I took the loss expecting it to just be Krrsantan and Jabba next attempt but Boush was back??
Second match, I use SEE. I blast both Krrsantan and Boush off the table but poor old Palp can't break Jabba alone so I knew I'd lose but at least it'd just be Jabba alone, right? NOPE! Next attempt all three are up again.
I'm still getting points for downing enemies, but they keep resetting. Is that a thing that's supposed to happen with Datacrons or something? I've never experienced it before but it effectively means I cannot break this Jabba and it may cost me the GAC.
Let me know if this is a bug or not?
Thank you!