Forum Discussion
44 Replies
- toriaskahn7 months agoRising Newcomer
I am also having this issue. Android. R8 Gungans. I can get 1 B1 down. but that has been it.
- chadmillertime7 months agoRising Newcomer
Been waiting since end of May to play this event....very frustrating and disappointing how it seems like we just have to assume every event that is limited time is going to be bugged the next time it comes back maybe just leave the legendary event permanently in the game then you wouldn't have bug problems whenever you bring them back
- kerouac797 months agoRising Novice
Same issue here; walk-through videos all show shield generator starting with 20 stacks, and yet no matter what I try my shield generator starts with 10. Seems to be yet another buggy, untensted event from an uncaring CG team
- iamzork7 months agoNew Traveler
Obviously as a community we're pretty accustomed to these kinds of things. So disappointing, though. We've been waiting for months for this.
- Heffiks7 months agoNew Traveler
I was wondering why my R7 gungans (with the mods from my GLs) could not even clear the first node.
Now I understand...
All this wait for this ?
It's appalling.
Please, spend more on qc... - xIxWiPeOuTxIx7 months agoSeasoned Novice
And to add insult to injury.....silence from CG....typical
- Obiwandenobi7 months agoNewcomer
Seriously! Between this and the music going back to being messed up and DoD not being fixed for months, I am honestly done, Fix this today CG or I am out!
- CNicView27 months agoRising Newcomer
Same for me, I thought I was doing something wrong by only being able to clear 1 enemy before getting wiped. Watched a video to check what I was doing wrong and the videos all have way more Generator stacks at the start
- tanakisha7 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Same problem really disheartening when you level up all your gungans up to R8 and get them all appropiately modded and save up the gear needed to level Jar Jar. Then you log in excited to get him and then this happens. Really kicks you in the feels if you know what I mean. Like everyone else Same Generator Bug.....
- Galvanid7 months agoNew Novice
Same issue on PC client/Android phone
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