Mace Windu targeting error
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Platform:Android Phone
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Xiaomi
OS Version 12 SP1A.210812.016
Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 498242369
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Summarize your bug Daze prevents Mace Windu from targeting allied JMK with "this party is over" ability
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Compose a team of JMK and Windu (other characters are irrelvant), and ensure that both of them get dazed. Then try to use Windu's this party is over abillity. If everyone is dazed he will perform the ability without character selection, and if there is at least 1 character without daze you will be allowed to sleect an ally, but JMK with daze is invalid for selection anyway.
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Country Hungary
So the issue here is, and it needs to be stated as a disclaimer: Daze preventing the player from selecting a character was, is and remains to be utterly stupid. It is also inconsistent with Deadly bluff by Boushh Leia. If a player forgets that a character would not come to assist, it should be on the player. Currently the game is trying to babysit the player by denying the option of selecting dazed characters. It is not just stupid and inconsistent, but it is also buggy as hell, and has created several bug reports in the past.
This current bug report is about the game not recognizing JMK-s unique ability "May the Force be with you" if it is not JMK-s turn. The cited ability states that if JMK targets an ally it will come with a cleanse first, and if JMK gets targeted by an ally it also would come with a cleanse first.
So if JMK is dazed and Mace Windu is dazed JMK can use "I will do what I must" and the game allows everyone to be selected as target, including the dazed windu, because it recognizes there would be a cleanse first.
On the other hand Windu can not target any dazed character. He should be able to target JMK, and grant him Mastery, TM swap and a call for assist as well, because all this would happen with a cleanse first.
Follow the link for a brief visual presentation.
Who are we kidding here exactly.
Takes you guys more than one week to reply a relatively complex bug with "this is WAI, because.... ruuuuules might work differently for different characters, because that's how rules work but we are not explaining it in details. That's also a rule."
It absolutely reads as "Yeah, we have no clue how to fix it, lets just say it is wai, and close the case"
Fine by me btw, who am I to argue, just stop fooling around.