I had this problem a few days ago where, after an update, I could no longer continue the Jabba event to collect ultimate materials. After an update, I was able to continue my progress towards ultimate materials BUT I noticed the circle that fills up during Tier 5 appeared to have one more segment than I actually had collected. Tonight, I just went from 10/12 to 11/12 on the ultimate materials, and immediately received a message indicating that I successfully completed the Jabba event ... but I'm still at 11/12 and no longer have the option to battle for the last piece to the ultimate (seems to be some type of a counter mismatch).
Anyway ... this is the second time I'm facing a bug with the Jabba event and I hope that this is fixed quickly. I'm also unable to generate the Dark Side Currency I need to run the event one last time. So, I hope this can be fixed quickly or there is some type of resources provided to make up for any lost Dark Side Currency ... and that this issue is addressed in time for me to get the last ultimate piece before the next GAC.