ROTE TB - operations unfilled vs filled are easier
I keep seeing this happen. When we preload planets and only partially fill operations, I am generally able to beat missions with little issue. (Except of course the medical station that CG has NEVER played themselves.)
Once we fill operations for planets, the AI starts hitting harder, getting more turns, and the difficulty is increasing. Aren't operations being filled supposed to make the missions EASIER for players? Because it sure doesn't seem that way. My teams are getting the crap kicked out of them after operations get filled.
I use the same teams each time because I have them saved in squads. So why is your AI broken to the point it makes gameplay more difficult when we fulfill these operations you require us to load up?
If we can beat a mission with unfilled operations, we should be able to just full auto it after they're filled. Fix your game, CG.
If you even read these forums that is.